Weird Growth?


The other moring while tending to my last batch of indoor ladies when I noticed little tan-ish sprouts coming up from withen the medium. They are only about a inch tall, white stems with a tan-ish bell top. Later when returning with the camera I noticed the white stem remaining, yet instead of a bell top, it had like a black ooze. I am just wondering what are the chances of the dying spores oozing down into the soil and effecting the plants. The plants are my last batch for this year. They are just two Black Berry and two Pineapple Thai stain I picked up a few weeks ago. I am just wondering if I should replace the soil, or should I just dismiss it. I have sprayed some anti fungel powder that I treat my dust mold with and it seems to be working a bit. I am also wondering if i should hold off on my bending start time and let them overcome this obstacle.


Active Member
They almost look like mushrooms, but the stems are very thin so I'm not sure. One thing I do know- anything in the pot with your plant is competing with it, so take them out. As soon as they are out they should be good.


Well-Known Member
yo i have had this b4 but I just brushed it off. It is werid it must be something in the soil and with the indoor enviornment.


Active Member
eat themmmmmmm... haha kidding. I had that once, the soil got fuzzy and mushrooms or whatever you wanna call them grew. I just dug out a few inches of that soil and replaced it, and lowered the humidity and waited as long as i could to water then flushed the soil with humic acid. But the flushing probably had nothing to do with it so you can skip that i suppose


Well-Known Member
definately mushrooms... try raising the heat in ur grow room a lil bit and dont water as often. i had this problem outdoors early this season when it was colder. i may have been givin em a lil too much water as well.


Well-Known Member
I would think that would mean you have some goog micro life in your soil. It could be a problem, but I think it's a good sign....stir em' in.


From the ressearch so far they are ID'd at "weed mushrooms"....

and yes I do enjoy a good trip...

I think I will try them tomarrow.
But.....if the ooze from the decayment does effect the would be sweet to have psyhedeluc


Well-Known Member
When my lawn gets mushrooms it is because the soil is too acidic. Try a little Lime to sweeten the soil. I have never had this problem while please do not take my words as gospel.