Weird Leaf burn - Please Help ASAP


Active Member
Well im in around week 5/6 with Critical Kush (Barneys) from seed and i have noticed that i have horrid burning on i would say around half of them leaves and i personally think (please excuse my foulishness) its heat burn.

The buds still feel supple and not dry to the touch (Yet)

20141026_171439.jpg 20141026_171444.jpg 20141026_171450.jpg 20141026_171456.jpg

Im using as nutes (Right now)

AN's Bloom 2 Part A/B
Atami Bloombastic
AN Carboload
And im using Zone root conditioner every other feed

This is used to take my feed upto around 1.2-1.4 and noticed the odd bit of tip burn on one of the not so effected plants - i have not used a Ph meter due to checking a few times before and found that Advanced Nutrients Ph Perfect seemed to bring them into line (slap me if im doing wrong or its not correct please)

Its in DWC buckets hand feeding into them around 1/2 weekly. I have now moved my fans on a bungie cord to face actually across the lights.

I have noticed Barneys seeds can get alittle crazy with the stretch but im not blaming them for this ofc - im more wondering if others feel the same about his seeds?

Please any advice asap would be amazing

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Some of those pics looks like you flowered the plant for 200 days. 35 to 42 days of flowering is all? Wow, I'm not sure what to make of that.


Active Member
No it looks like that lol but it wasnt that long it was less than 42 days as well but some advice would be great please


Active Member
So when you say that - even keeping the nutes inbetween the 1.2. - 1.4 region is still ott? Would you have any advice about the best way to water using DWC please ?


Active Member
tbh not to long as at first it was alsight tip burn which i thought was due to the different seed i was using - Seedho would you say for me to now chop them? i mean they are not dust to touch like lol

All help is grateful so please keep it coming


Well-Known Member
if you want me to tell you to chop `em to relive the stress of you doing it, chop `em. i`m going to post a link of a page that has a good looks at most problems. this are so far advanced i would be hard pressed to say what it is, at first glance it looked environmental. like i said its hard for me to say anything, but i would be interested in what it was if you figure it out. what kinda temps in the room? how close is the light? how much air are you moving out of the room?


Well-Known Member
You gotta adjust your pH every watering, don't ever think the mutes will because of testing once, the waters pH could have changed from last feeding, also cut back on nutes next time, better too little than too much, if using multiple mutes at once, cut dilution down to 40%, Temps should be around 75-80 for veg and around 70 for flowering. 40-50% humidity throughout works good for me..

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
Cat thanks for advice and same goes for the others but may i ask what you think has caused this issue? Thanks in advance
could have been drought, overfeeding, ph imbalance, bad medium, pythium, fungus gnats, or any of these combined. i'm sorry, but that's what we call ''the point of no return''. it's not going to recover, it's too late in flower. next time, try to remedy any ails that hurt you this time. keep roots cool. keep nutes cool (as for amounts). keep parasites dead, keep roots healthy, and find the problem at the first sign of ailment.

sorry bud, but not all is lost; even with the damage, it looks like you're going to have a nice reward! ;)


Well-Known Member
You burned them.. Looks like to me you fed some shit dude. Always feed 1/4 recommended dose and look at your plants to see if they are asking for more food.


Active Member
I have to admit its the first time i have had to use a forum as i have been at this for a long time BUT i always knew that i would never be scared to be told i fecked up and to be told that in a decent way always makes me feel ok - thanks so much to the people who have gave so much creative information and i will do i tomorrow - just abit more info please (sorry dont mean to be greedy haha) there is still a few more thats ok should i just leave them up and see how they go as you can see by the greener one.

Thanks so much btw


Active Member
Botanist i have many lol - and not scared to drive/travel or pay as to learn is worth more than the harvest.

Daggy when you say "shit" could you explain alittle more please