Weird Leaf Problem with PICS/ hole in stem?


Growing 2 plants, both bag-seed one is from Jamaica.

Recently I noticed the Jamaican plants stem split in half at a point

and all the leaves above that spot started to sketch hard. Looks like they are curling in, and not being as sexy as she usually is.

U can see the split stem in the background....

I transplanted her after she didn't perk up after a couple days and she was root-bound, so hopefully that was the problem. I'm not convinced though,

because the thing is, on my non-jamaican lady, the leaves are doing the same, no split stem and not a chance to be root-bound as she is too small.

Any advice and ideas as to why my stem split in two and my beautiful ladies' leaves are PMSing?


I'll add in that they are outdoors,

growing in my own mixutre of compost, organicMG 7-1-2, perlite, potting mix

The Jamaican plant is around 5 weeks and the other plant is at about 2

Had a bug problem but don't think bugs would eat that hole in the stem...


Well-Known Member
i see what you r talking about..honestly i dont think your gonna have a problem..the insides of both of them should heal up..but that problem looks like it came from awhile ago..not from a bug /shrugs..i think bugs would rather eat the sweet juicy leaves..droppy possible a overwater problem..and the curling leaves to much heat??? thats a maybe


the only problem u might have if the whole doesnt heal is if the palnt gets to big and heavy and the whole splits and goes all the way down to the root. and for the leaves it happens all the time. i have 4 outdoor plants and they wilt. just stop watering her and leave her out in the sun and she'll perk right back up its just cause to much water not enough sun. but dont worry. baybe put a stick next to it for support so the whole doesnt grow.


okay thanks, I'll try your watering idea.

I wasn't too worried about the leaves sagging a bit, because they aren't all. Just the ones above the hole are and they seem to be folding in all sorts of directions....

What makes the stem do that? What makes leaves fold (width wise)?

I live in Canada and it hasn't been getting very hot, so I don't think heat stress is the issue