weird problem, leaves turned white overnight??? sun-bleach?? cold weather??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so I have a few jillybean moms that I got as a gift last month, and I am trying to keep them alive (under floro's in my closet) untill It's warm enough to throw them outside. The other day it was sunny out (still cold) so I figured I would ease them into the sun and take them back in at night, of course I forgot to take them in at night and it got down to almost freezing, and the next day they looked like the pic...I have never seens growth and discoloration like this before, especially overnight!! So basically I am wondering if its possible that this a PH problem or nutrienty deficency that happened literally overnight?? Or if something about the cold weather did this to my girls?? Either way they are still pretty wet, so I don't think I should do anything yet, and just let them dry out first before I try any corrective nutrients.

P.S. Plants are in subcool's roots organic "super soil" the 3 gal containers are about 1/3 full of "supersoil" and the rest is normal roots organic. Have had great success with this method before, and "jillybean" is of course a strain created by subcool himself, so I am at a loss here, any info is greatly appreciated :leaf:



Put in warm loving environment and treat gently.

Don't leave in the cold overnight again.

A little superthrive might help recovery next time you water.


Well-Known Member
ya, you guys think thats all it is? New growth still looks small and deformed. I live in central cali, didnt have that problem last winter when keeping my moms alive, guess it is extra cold right now.


Well-Known Member
thats all it is, the cold
dont change the nutrients other then the frostbit it looks healthy


Well-Known Member
whats weird is I have 3 other moms outside that have been out there all season and they seem to be doing fine in the cold...maybe they are just used to it being outside their whole lives??