Welcome New Members!

Zac Magee

Active Member
Hey all :)

I'm new to this forum but I have been on a few others over the years :)

A bit about me, I have Grown on and off for a few years but notbing substantial and I haven't had anything going for at least 2 years. Now Im setting up a new grow as we speak with 4 strains. I'll start a journal once I finish work but I can't wait to get started :)

I look forward to chatting with you and sharing knowledge



Staff member
Hey all :)

I'm new to this forum but I have been on a few others over the years :)

A bit about me, I have Grown on and off for a few years but notbing substantial and I haven't had anything going for at least 2 years. Now Im setting up a new grow as we speak with 4 strains. I'll start a journal once I finish work but I can't wait to get started :)

I look forward to chatting with you and sharing knowledge



New Member
Hello, I'm new here been reading around and finally decided to join. There's a ton of great information here so far for me to get up to speed. I'm thinking of maybe making a thread of this seasons grow. I've done my share of both indoor and outdoor but it's been a few years and things are constantly changing with growing so I'm sure I'll have questions... Thanks everyone and I look forward to lots of learning and great medication!


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's the newsiest question I think I've ever asked... How do you like someone's post? I don't see an option. Is it a feature I must earn after contributing to the forums for a while?

Sorry about the silly question! I appreciate everyone's help!


Active Member
Okay, here's the newsiest question I think I've ever asked... How do you like someone's post? I don't see an option. Is it a feature I must earn after contributing to the forums for a while?

Sorry about the silly question! I appreciate everyone's help!
Yes u have to use the forum a bit.u gonna see it within 24 to 48 hours
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Active Member
How often do u water them and I can see some stretching u should put the light closer to plant. CFLs can be an inch or 2 from top of plants without hurting them


Active Member
And its a better to start with a daylight bulb for the veg stage which is about 6500k and soft white for flower which is about 2700k


Active Member
Once a day. Late in the light cycle.
At that stage to the plant they don't need much watering just make sure the medium is moist and not to wet. If the top soil doesnt look dry don't wet it u van use a spray bottle and mist the plants. For that stage I usually water every 2-3day depends on temp in tent/room


Active Member
I'm growing indoors and my plants look like shit.
I'm a newbie as well I'm telling u wat I know and wat I've learned from other ppl on RIU there's a lot of helpful ppl on here u don't have to worry u'll get help as u go
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hello everyone, I am from new jersey been growing indoors and out on and off for 30 years.
really cool site you guys have.This old dog is ready for some new tricks and maybe can pass along some of mine.
really hated to read some of the older insecticide advice threads but most were spot on even a few years later.