Welcome New Members!


I have 12 plants and i need some help with the light...i dont know what tipe of lights i need...if someone want to help me..please prv me on dudu88ddu on yahoo messenger....thanks


hi..im new here and am about to embark on my first grow..searching for seeds and am wondering if anyone has heard/ordered from afroseeds?their prices seem a bit low does this mean they are a scam?


Damien916 here, came over 'cuz a mutual friend-of-a-friend is here and the friend we have in common raves about their product, to me at any rate. About to start my first grow and all, so I have a few ?'s for said member.


Active Member
Hello everyone. I'm currently trying my hand at my 1 st grow. I've been reading up on guides and stuff and whanted to say hi and thanks for the good post on info :hump::clap::weed:


Hi all, new to the site so I will be spending a lot of time here I'm sure. I'm new to growing pot but need to master it fast to help with my wife's fibromyalgia, and my own enjoyment. Any advice will be appreciated.


ok i just started some plants inside is it ok to put them outside during the day and bring them in at night and put them under a cfl ?


hi im totally new 2 this site on my 2nd grow tent wiv 400w light im a 41 yr old stoner (25yrs time srved!) sik ov buyin off kids & payin 20 quid 4 2 grams ov shiteee :evil: my 1st grow got about 2oz max off each plant they were cheese got powerplant in now 1 wk into flower im lukin 4 any tips 2 increase yeild & tips on usin the site x
whats up every one i am new to riu and am going to try my fitst indoor grow in a month or so i plan on lsting one plant i a pc i just need to know how many cfls should i use i plan on useing atleast 3 and if mixing one 5600k with two 2700k would be better then just 3 2700k



If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.

dont know how this works, but hello alll


I jus stared growing not too long ago n so far i think im doing pretty well. I posted a thread with pics to show how im doing. Advice is welcome
If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.
Hi, thanks for the welcome. :) I haven't started a grow yet but hopefully I will be soon. I am going to start a new thread because although I have read a lot here while lurking I still have some big questions.

joe rica

i need some watering times and amounts im on my first grow and the ladies are 6 days old and about 2 1/2 " tall very green leaves. i started in a seed incubater with 24/7 full light and di water ... 3 seed per cell and 4CC of di water to moisten soil , sew seeds cover up with soil, then additional 5CC after seeds covered with soil.checked soil ph and was right on target. my di water has a ph of 6.1, with no nuts.or cal-mag or any thing, jus straight di water.. i have only watered once since first water, and each cell got 5 CCs of water sunday eve. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREAT THANKS


I guess I tried to post on forum that has moderators. It said I gotta wait for my post to be visible until a moderator approves it or something. So do some threads have moderators and some don't? I wanna be a moderator too! No, but seriously, what does all this crap mean?


Okay I think I figured it out. Moderaters have to preview your post if you include a link (even an internal link, apparently!)


Just thought I'd stop in & say hi. I got my first plant a week ago switched pots & now the bottom of the & the bottom leaf has white specks all over them. I didnt see any mites & I used B1 vitamin when I repotted it Could it be a vitamin defincency or a bug?


I'm building my first grow box and would like to know the best wood to use. Its gonna be 36" high 26" wide and 18"deep.


Hey all, I'm new to this forums, been a smoker for 7years now and finally decided to start growing!! This year will be my first attempt, outdoor growing. Hope it works good (will be guerilla since I still live at my parents :S)