Well Here Goes Again


Well-Known Member
Hey daniels , just had a little skim through, looks like you're up to all sorts as usual :weed: happy 420 and keep up the good work !


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna start a 4/20 seed later today in celebration of the Stoner New Year. It's soaking now. Bubble Cheese x Purple Rain


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna start a 4/20 seed later today in celebration of the Stoner New Year. It's soaking now. Bubble Cheese x Purple Rain
Sounds most interesting :D, there must be some significance to germinating on 4/20 lol. i cant wait til i can breed plants, i brought back a blueberry haze seed from amsterdam that im looking forward to crossing with lsd if its a male :weed: hopefully it will be female and i can mother it , that was some fantastic weed


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome Daniels, you need another seed, you don't have enough plants :eyesmoke:
Sshh, it's never enough. I'm actually gonna order a pack of something later.

So I saw this quote today and wanted to share it.

[FONT=&quot]In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Martin Luther King, Jr.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Today I up-canned my Diesel Cross mother into a 4 gal. DIY Air Pot. I took 2 clones, and did some Lst'n and super-cropping. I will move it to the FrigiDare in a couple weeks.

4-20 DX #2 before.jpg4-20 DX #2 after.jpg4-20 DX #2 top.jpg4-20 DX Clones best.jpg


Well-Known Member
So I saw this quote today and wanted to share it.

[FONT=&quot]In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Martin Luther King, Jr.[/FONT]
My friends, my point was I refuse to go silently into the night on this.
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
Patients, Friends and Activists –

Obama’s administration has taken its gloves off. After giving the medical cannabis community a false sense of security, Obama’s administration continues to ignore state laws, intimidate state officials, and raid medical cannabis patients and facilities.

This month, ASA launched our new national campaign, and we are sending a clear message to President Obama from the medical cannabis community: We are sick and tired. We are suffering from chronic and debilitating conditions, and we are weary of false promises that do nothing to protect our rights as patients.

ASA’s Sick and Tired Campaign involves approaching the federal government from several angles, and we need your help to reach every corner of Obama’s administration.

Today, ASA released the Obama Report Card. This details federal interference in medical cannabis laws under the Obama administration, and Obama fails. Even though he promised to not use federal resources to interfere with states’ medical cannabis laws, Obama’s administration has continued raiding legal patients and facilities. Additionally, the administration has launched new tactics and constructed new roadblocks for patients, including issues related to patient privacy, access, banking, taxation, and threats of filing suite against state employees who participate in upholding state law.
Join us in calling on Obama to keep his promise. Sign ASA's petition urging Obama to end federal interference in existing medical cannabis programs, and legitimize medical cannabis for the sick and dying across the country.

But we’re not stopping there. ASA is hosting a National Day of Action on May 2, centered on Dale Schafer and Mollie Fry’s surrender date in Sacramento, CA. Mollie and Dale are legal patients and were arrested and convicted without a defense under President Bush. They appealed their sentence, which was vigorously fought by the Obama administration in the Ninth Circuit. Mollie and Dale's sentences were upheld in November. Additionally, a clemency petition was filed this week in an effort to shorten Mollie's sentence. Please mark your calendar to join ASA on May 2 and keep an eye out for Information about a rally near you.

ASA’s Sick and Tired Campaign will bring new accountability to Obama’s administration. Please help ASA hold Obama to his word and protect patients across the nation.

We are sick and tired, but we won’t give up until there’s safe access.

Steph Sherer



Well-Known Member
So the Hippie Gardener decided to try to get a job. She applied at a local nursery and got hired on till June. Her second day she comes home with this.

Four trays of 300 seedlings. They start way more than what they need in case they lose X%. They had a great start so extras go to the compost heap.
So we have over 1,100 starts.
Blue Daddy Petunia, Ultra White Petunia, Delta Fire Pansy, & Super Parfait Strawberry Dianthus. See they have cool names too.

Wish you guys were near. I have a few dozen extra. I called a few buddies.

HG 4-21 Best.jpg


Active Member
yah. i work at a feed store and if only i could keep all the free tomato plants i get to take home :*( .... I don't have the Room!!!! And what would i do with 100+ tomato's!


Well-Known Member
I would love some, but I dont think many would make it through the mail :lol: plus I have a lot of plants I have a tough enough time keeping up with. Tell the HG to have a good time. Maybe it will bring some cheap soil or something you could use for your medicine!


Well-Known Member
I would love some, but I dont think many would make it through the mail :lol: plus I have a lot of plants I have a tough enough time keeping up with. Tell the HG to have a good time. Maybe it will bring some cheap soil or something you could use for your medicine!
Just come on over and pick some up. lol

So the SS I have drowning will be ready to harvest tomorrow. I have to deal with a couple hundred starts, then go to my Master Gardener class today.


Well-Known Member
I harvested SS #1 my 'downs syndrome' skunk. She looked ugly by the end. The pics I took didn't end up real good. Oh, well she should smoke good.

4-23  SS #1 best close.jpg4-23  SS #1 best 2.jpg4-23  SS #1 best.jpg


Well-Known Member
Since that super skunk is harvested I moved Tangerine Dream #2 the indica pheno into the tent. Pics of her later, still have to crop them.
I put the Royal Kush up front. She'll be harvested in a couple days. Then I can fit TD #1 in here.
That #4-A is starting to fill out. She has at least two weeks to go.
SS #3-A is doing good. I tried pollinating her, but don't see any signs of seeds.

4-23 Tent.jpg4-23 RK.jpg4-23 RK Big 2.jpg4-23 SS #4-A.jpg4-23 SS #3-A Full.jpg4-23  SS #3-A.jpg


Well-Known Member
My TD #2, the indica pheno got moved to the tent and fed 1/4 tsp. Jack's & 1/2 tsp. Epsom tea/quart. She should start to show flowering soon.
4-23  TD #2.jpg4-23  TD #2 wide.jpg


Well-Known Member
  • Here's my SS #2-A & #3-B. They are doing good.
  • The #2 clone SS #2-B got her first dose of Jacks today.



Well-Known Member
I might as well add both TD to this journal.
TD #1 looks better, but not great. The TD #2 is happy in the tent.
