Well I just got Caught *Conclusion*


Well-Known Member
Well it has been almost a month since my previous post.


Heres the end to the story.

The past week I had a meeting on Thursday with the Dean of Students of my college. The meeting went as all meetings do and she began with asking me questions. (yes the Dean is a She)She begins to ask the questions I hate so much Where did you get it from? How much did you have? How are you smoking it? How much do you smoke it? blah blah blah.

I hate those fucking questions!

But anyway after getting through the questions I walked out of the office with -

Housing Probation till end of School Year
$50 suspended fine if I don't break my probation. (If I do I pay what I get charged with plus the $50)
And A Verbal Warning
(lol :blsmoke:)

Probation isn't that bad and I continue to smoke on a daily basis just not in my Dorm room. I find it really lame that it takes 3 weeks to give me a verbal warning and probation.

Well thats the story. Thought I'd tell you guys the outcome.


Well-Known Member
i guess you learned the most valuable lesson of all. weed isnt that bad of a crime and those who are educated probably dont think much of a "violation" other than the enforcement of school rules to the minimum extent. go team


Well-Known Member
I would think that you would be happy that all you got a verb warr. and a $50 fine, I'm sure the three weeks waiting sucked but at lease you didn't get kicked out and no crim. rec.

Good luck-


Well-Known Member
I remember it 8 or 9 th grade my buddy was holding a dub sack for another friend and some how the Prin. found out and pulled my buddy out of gym class went through all of his belongings, found the sack and called the police. My buddy got kick out of school and had to go to court.