Well plants under 250w MH seedlings @ 6 inch yellow leaves


first grow ended up bad took off great good good foliage strong and 250w mh @ inches burnt yellow tainted the leaves smelt funny crispy 4 out of 3 dried up dieing one strong on survived. upgraded 2 a 400 hps son-t agro ballast and bulb. @ 12-16 inch on brand new well vegetated seedlings in rock wool the leaves are bending upwards got a 2nd chance at it lol lucky with a stronger light


Well-Known Member

Punctuation please. I'm no grammar police, but it is kinda hard to read the point of the info. you're trying to provide.


first time grower seedlings in tent H.I.D 250w Metal Halide burnt the plant leaves after a bit like 2-3 weeks or so 3 outer 4 died and the strongest lives on now I've backed the distance of the light more then 6 inch and upgraded to a 400W son-T agro hps bulb over the 250w metal halide. light has been raised too 15-22 inch like 22-25 Celsius. sorry for the grammar was baked and still am.