well thats the second time in 2weeks that seeds have died on me


Well-Known Member
Yep, second time the SLH seeds i put in rockwool have died, fucking dried up again. Still got the 2 skunk#1 that i potted in soil alive and growing well tho. fucking growing from seed is a headache and a half isnt it. i never ever have problems growing from clone...so fucked off as its 35quid for 5 of these babies. so thats 70quid wasted.

gona try one more time, gona keep the rockwool cubes soaked at all times this time, fuck trying to just keep em perfectly moist i cant be at home all the time to check on em...if they fail again, im gona fuck growing hydro off totally, and just grow all in soil, il fit 5 plants in my tent instead of the 3 hydro pots anyway, so might get just as much yeild off 5 soil than 3 hydro...what you lot reckon???

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
youre having a problem i had, and the solution is simple: keep your seeds in soil to use as mothers, and clone them into your hydro setup. good luck.


Well-Known Member
the trouble is i live in a rented property which has 3monthly inspections by the letting agent, so its impossible. I have to get rid of everything and put it all in the shed for when the guy comes to inspect. Then bring it all back out again and setup again. You cant imagine how much of a chore that is. But its well worth it. So i have to either find cuttings from friends or grow from seed. Which obviously is a major headache with rockwool. its very, very susceptible to drying out.


Use bigger pieces of rockwool, and or get a timer and pump to water them when u r not there. Set up a simple wick system, so they can pull water from mini res via a wick so they dont dry. The solution is simple, they need to be watered more often. I understand u cant be there all the time to keep up with watering, but the plants don't, they"ll just die.


Well-Known Member
Yes I totally agree with you, I got some more this morning and im pre soaking them then will germ them tonight when I get in from work. See, I put em in 1 and half inch rockwool plugs to start with and wait till they got loads of roots then stick em in 4inch rockwool cubes then wait again for good root system then finally I put em into the hydro tubs filled with clay pebbles. But this time im gona stick em in the smallm cubes and straight into the 4inch cubes so thhey wont dry out as easily. Should be fine this time doing that I reckon. Should of done that the first time really but I was trying to encourage a denser root system to develop...