Went to get air, "goblin" in the closet


Active Member
This is the funniest thing thats ever happened to me.

Story goes-

We were all at a mates place, everyone was doing mushys, or acid, or mescaline, and just getting fucked up, i was remaining clean just lightly toasted... Not burnt toast, but a nice light tan toasting.
One of my mates, freaks out and says he needs some fresh air, so walks out, he returns two hours later. Looking very serious

He explained about the goblin infestion of the local playground, and how he caught one and put it in his closet, se we went and had a look.

We found a autistic kid standing in his closet looking very confused, it was sooooooooo fucken funny!

Turned out there was a special school taking there kids to the park and we had stolen one, so we returned him laughing like dragons claiming to have found him when he wandered off.

Just, fucken standing in his closet was a lost autistic kid he had stolen while he was tripping out, WHAT the fuck honestly


Well-Known Member
Wow that was probably one of the most interesting post I have read on RIU. Thanks for nothing :roll:

Tom :joint::peace:


Active Member
lol darque this didn't happen to you and your mates, this is a somewhat popular urban legend that my dad told me "happened" when i was younger. did you just go to snopes.com and look under "drug horrors''? lmao


Well-Known Member
Where im from its called kidnapping & is not looked upon in a friendly stoner sorta way.

If you guys really did that stupid shit it outta be one fuk of a wake up call for ya,if you'd have ran into that childs parent it'd bought you a belly full of lead or serious prison time.

As a parent i cant begin to imagine the rage & total violence in which i'd respond to something like that.

The more i think about this stupid shit the more pissed i get,ive done handfulls of the best acid on earth in the 60's & 70's,and window payne so strong it made you feel like you had to take a shit 5 minutes after taking it, not to mention eating whole fukin fruit baskets worth of shrooms,seen shit & tripped heavily many times,never not once would i have thought about taking somebodys child.

Either you've got a warped sense of humor & are just repeating childish wives tales attempting to be funny or cool, or your hanging out with a group of assholes,either way this gets my vote for the worst thread of the week.
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Active Member
Blimey really? i didnt know that much, it did happen to me and my mates however, whats your alternative version then?


Active Member
Whats your problem tom?
Fucken, easily aggrovated and grammaticaly anal internet stooges. Piss off


Active Member
Id like to see some one find the purple arnold swartzenagger frog on snoopes. try finding one of those while frying, there pretty rare, then again i didnt cook him all the way

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
As a parent i cant begin to imagine the rage & total violence in which i'd respond to something like that.

Fuckin A you got that RIGHT! I'm not even a parent... but I am an aunt and if anyone did that to my niece.... I'd come unfuckinglued at the seams.

I almost didn't even respond to this thread because it's a few weeks old and the poster already got stone cold busted as a total liar for trying to pass off an urban legend as a personal experience.

In the end anger got the best of me and I wanted to just say that I completely agree with you Pan.... there isn't even ONE ITTY BITTY TEENY TINY piece of that story that is funny!