West Coast Heat Wave Coming


Active Member
100 degree heat should not "Kill" plants. You guys are all freaks. It gets this hot near the equator all the time. A little care will help. But as long as there is water going to the plants how is it an issue?


Well-Known Member
Not a heat wave for me, just the beginning of summer. only 3 more months to go of heat. they tend to do fine.


Well-Known Member
I am just making sure to water deep and throughly in the early morning when the water is the coolest. I had a few heat stressed and wilted branches but they should get used to it if they stay watered.

I envy you guys who are able to put shade cloth over your gardens....


Active Member
It really is amazing how much shade cloth works. I had wilted squash in a green house pushing 115 inside and covered them with the cloth. A few hours later the wilting was cut in half and by night time they were happy again.

You can get shade cloth at home depot for pretty cheap. It's light, and re usable. I don't see why anyone wouldn't want it. It's good security cover if you double layer it too.


Well-Known Member
Lol...marijuana outdoors loves heat.....just be sure to water...and watch how they grow...even though I just got a greenhouse...but it's 100' outside today...waiting til sun goes down to put up...


It's 106° here at the moment and we're in containers! Shade cloth - check, misters - check, ice on top of the mulch - check! Works like a dream. :)


Ummmm.. these are light loving plants, not heat loving. Roots literally cook at 110° and growth at the canopy stops around 80-85° - word.


Well-Known Member
It really is amazing how much shade cloth works. I had wilted squash in a green house pushing 115 inside and covered them with the cloth. A few hours later the wilting was cut in half and by night time they were happy again.

You can get shade cloth at home depot for pretty cheap. It's light, and re usable. I don't see why anyone wouldn't want it. It's good security cover if you double layer it too.
Shade cloth was probably the best investment I made for my veggie garden this year. Today hit 105°, but you wouldn't know it to look at my plants.


Well-Known Member
Ummmm.. these are light loving plants, not heat loving. Roots literally cook at 110° and growth at the canopy stops around 80-85° - word.

whatever bro.....I can't tell...that's indoor to control humidity...not outdoors...where you folks get your info...I HAVE NO IDEA...THE PLANT ORIGINATED UNDER THE SUN...SOME AREAS AFGAN/African/pretty much all sativas THRIVE OUTDOORS IN HIGH TEMPS...you read one paragraph on indoor growing and think u got it huh?....lol..some people!


Well-Known Member
For soil at root depth to reach 110...are you fucking kidding...that means air temp would have to be 150'-160' killing everything on the earths surface to heat roots 2-3 feet deep(depending on age of plant)....I mean get real....hotter days simply means like I said before more watering....


Active Member
For soil at root depth to reach 110...are you fucking kidding...that means air temp would have to be 150'-160' killing everything on the earths surface to heat roots 2-3 feet deep(depending on age of plant)....I mean get real....hotter days simply means like I said before more watering....
I agree. I have some sativas that are in an environment right now that is pushing 120 degrees easy. They seem to be ok with it. They actually even slump at night and perk up when it's hotter than hell. I might name the strain after Satan. :fire:


Active Member
Shade cloth was probably the best investment I made for my veggie garden this year. Today hit 105°, but you wouldn't know it to look at my plants.
Good to hear. It's nuts how much light actually still gets through the cloth as well. It's a win win.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear. It's nuts how much light actually still gets through the cloth as well. It's a win win.
I had read somewhere that plants don't even use all of the available sunlight, I don't know if that's true or not, or what percentage the plants use if true, but that makes a perfect case for shade cloth. As I mentioned, it was 105° today, but the dirt under my tomato plants is still noticeably damp from watering last night, so the shade absolutely helps keep the soil temp down and reduce moisture loss from evaporation.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Today was a scorcher. I'm watering heavy and often but I'm seeing some rapid growth as well in all this sun. Almost looks like inches a day on a few plants.

I have one girl who gets thirsty faster than the others for some odd reason. She's become my watering gauge. When she looks thirsty I water all of them.


Well-Known Member
Today was a scorcher. I'm watering heavy and often but I'm seeing some rapid growth as well in all this sun. Almost looks like inches a day on a few plants.

I have one girl who gets thirsty faster than the others for some odd reason. She's become my watering gauge. When she looks thirsty I water all of them.
like I said at first....water and watch them grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Cannabis are tropical plants, they originate over by the equator where it gets way hotter all year lonng. Who ever said plants do not grow at around 80-85 are indoor growers. Outdoor growing is another world. After you think about it in the shade its not as hot thats why plants shade them self with their leaves, then they have soil so keep them cool i must say its way colder under our soil haven't you heard of wells or your water pipes under the house where water stay cool down there, even swimming pools stay nice and cool at the bottom.


Well-Known Member
yes they can tolerate the heat. There is side effects that make it less desireable come flower time though.