what a ride.


Well-Known Member
lemme know if i can help !

I fly to LA often . maybe next harvest season ill show you how to sticky your hands with jaggery water before you start rubbing !
Thank you, that's very kind. When I get around to making an attempt at charas I will hit you up.
I have ordered some white widow and white rhino from....ghs and few...bag seed of our subash...nagar is growing...last year I have grown autos the yielded very...was a fail.. but this time Indian plant are seedling they are doing pretty good..how is u r grow experience ..in hot climate like Delhi....and will the Indian plant produce...resines bud like...hybrids


Well-Known Member
means growing indian strain is waste of time...

somewhere i read on this forum . its not the seed, its not the soil , it is the grower.

iv grown 1i8 feet tall sativas from orrisa. shitttttttttt tasting , crap looking , but it got you high like shits.
somewhere i read on this forum . its not the seed, its not the soil , it is the grower.

iv grown 1i8 feet tall sativas from orrisa. shitttttttttt tasting , crap looking , but it got you high like shits.
Sorted mate....ty...for the reply if your in Delhi hope we can catch up...exchange few...seeds...and i can learn from you...a lil....you are pro man..