what am i doing wrong?


ive been trying to grow since october 13 and nothing nothing will come up from soil

im using jifft peat pelets with the dome thing and have 1 germinated seed in it and its been weeks


hay bro i have a lemon low life auto skunk seed its female

it germinated in 2 days the root was like 1cm? i put it back into the paper to germinate it a little more cause i see people have their roots super long i took the paper towel from ontop of my cable box now it looks smaller like it went back inside the seed?
what breeder?

Its hard to place blame on a non-germ'd seed since there are so many variables to take into account.
90% of the time its the grower that dosent know how to get a seed to germinate or is too inpatient.
9.9% its the breeder themselves shoving crap products knowing noone is going to raise a stink.
.1% its just one of those things or a combination of everything.

You may have received a batch of skunk seeds, it has happened many times.
Call the Tude and tell them your souvenirs did not meet your expectations or were broke in the mail and see what they can do for you.


Well-Known Member
i just put my seeds in a cup of water for 24 hrs about then put them in a paper towel until the taproots like not even an inch..far from it...and i germed like 10/10


Well-Known Member
just put the seed in the jiffy and spray it lightly when it looks dry.
if it doesn't pop in a week the seed is a dud. (some seeds can take over a month, but its very rare. Most seeds pop within 36 hours)


what breeder?

Its hard to place blame on a non-germ'd seed since there are so many variables to take into account.
90% of the time its the grower that dosent know how to get a seed to germinate or is too inpatient.
9.9% its the breeder themselves shoving crap products knowing noone is going to raise a stink.
.1% its just one of those things or a combination of everything.

You may have received a batch of skunk seeds, it has happened many times.
Call the Tude and tell them your souvenirs did not meet your expectations or were broke in the mail and see what they can do for you.

the seed i brought was


and the other one was



Well-Known Member
Place the seeds in an organic seed starter mix and keep the top moist. If the seeds are viable, they will germinate and pop. You don't need paper towels and to be handling the seeds more than they should be.


Active Member
that seed is definately dead, for germing, i usually just put it in a damp paper towel, put that into a ziplock bag put it inside a tupperware bowl and put in a dark warm place and within 2 days tops, the taproot shows and then goes straight into moist soil and after that it usually sprouts within 2 days also. i have never had any problems using that method. everyone has they're own way of germing, i just found one that worked good for me and stuck with it.