What and when was your last good deed?


Well-Known Member
i work with people who are chronically ill and give advice, hope and positive thoughts.

oh LOL, yesterday, I told a girl her car would get towed because she was in a no stopping zone.


Well-Known Member
I gave a homeless guy the keys to my neighbors van.....he got busted for stolen vehilcle.....now he has a nice warm bed to sleep in and 3 meals a day.........TV privlages........ahh good deeds bring such peace to my soul.
I gave a homeless guy the keys to my neighbors van.....he got busted for stolen vehilcle.....now he has a nice warm bed to sleep in and 3 meals a day.........TV privlages........ahh good deeds bring such peace to my soul.
LoL. If only everyone cared as much as you. :)


Well-Known Member
I gave a homeless guy the keys to my neighbors van.....he got busted for stolen vehilcle.....now he has a nice warm bed to sleep in and 3 meals a day.........TV privlages........ahh good deeds bring such peace to my soul.
Can't get very much time for a stolen van I would imagine. :)