what are greens?


i brought a nick of greens here in ny from a dude and it has seeds in side i know its weed but what type?

im germinating them now root is out already and only been a day i used the cable box method =]


Active Member
"Greens" means it is weed that was swallowed, then either shat out, or puked out. It has a much lower potency and is called "greens" because it is good weed to smoke if you are a first timer.
"Greens" means it is weed that was swallowed, then either shat out, or puked out. It has a much lower potency and is called "greens" because it is good weed to smoke if you are a first timer.

lmfao are you serious I dought that... where are you from? I have never heard that term here on the east coast.. I dont think the friend that sold you the greens knows what hes talking about. but where im from greens is parsley laced with pcp/embalming fluid shit will make you loco man
your friend or your friends friend or someone down the line probably made that up to sell the product easier just my opnion :-)


lmfao are you serious I dought that... where are you from? I have never heard that term here on the east coast.. I dont think the friend that sold you the greens knows what hes talking about. but where im from greens is parsley laced with pcp/embalming fluid shit will make you loco man
your friend or your friends friend or someone down the line probably made that up to sell the product easier just my opnion :-)

its weed i know that has hairs and smells and get super high just dont knw what strain or how it looks


Well-Known Member
"Greens" means it is weed that was swallowed, then either shat out, or puked out. It has a much lower potency and is called "greens" because it is good weed to smoke if you are a first timer.
This exists? I can understand eating a balloon of powders or pills, but why buds? That's not the best way to smuggle it.


Active Member
Haha! I'm sorry guys. I was stoned and fuckin' around. I've honestly only heard the term used to describe the first hit of a bowl. Mid-garde weed is called mids here.