What are some good liberal books?


Well-Known Member
I wanted to recommend some books for anyone to read or listen to the audiobook(which is what I did) so that maybe they could understand the conservative viewpoint a little better.

I also wanted to ask for some recommendations for books that might help me understand the liberal point of view a bit better.

Well here is the list

Bernard Goldberg - Bias
Bernard Goldberg - Arrogance
Bernard Goldberg - Crazies to left, Wimps to the right
Bernard Goldberg - 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America
Mona Charen - Do Gooders
Michal Savage - Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
Shelby Steele - A Bound Man

That's all i got for now, please listen to them.

And definitely recommend some books for me.

Thanks and enjoy.

Also if you do happen to read any of these and disagree with something or find something false don't hesitate to say it here :D


Well-Known Member
I wanted to recommend some books for anyone to read or listen to the audiobook(which is what I did) so that maybe they could understand the conservative viewpoint a little better.

I also wanted to ask for some recommendations for books that might help me understand the liberal point of view a bit better.

Well here is the list

Bernard Goldberg - Bias
Bernard Goldberg - Arrogance
Bernard Goldberg - Crazies to left, Wimps to the right
Bernard Goldberg - 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America
Mona Charen - Do Gooders
Michal Savage - Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
Shelby Steele - A Bound Man

That's all i got for now, please listen to them.

And definitely recommend some books for me.

Thanks and enjoy.

Also if you do happen to read any of these and disagree with something or find something false don't hesitate to say it here :D
I can understand the Conservative point of view quite well, I was one for most of my life. But lets put it bluntly. None of them were saints.
Putting out books to tare down the other side makes them look just as bad as they claim the liberals are.

Conservative view point in actuality is good in the short term, but in the long term is destructive.
Lowering taxes in a time of war as lead to a recession and now we are on the verge of a depression, it has also lead to the degradation of the infrastructure (roads, bridges, electrical grids etc)
Deregulation has lead to the banks using unethical lending practices to make a profit when they knew that the borrower would default and they could foreclose and resell the property over and over. this has also lead to the current economic situation we are now in.
Now This is not to say that just the conservatives are responsible for it, ad both sides of the aisle are. But, the conservative surely got the ball rolling this direction.

Actually I can say that you should read some books by Thom Hartman....



Well-Known Member
I can understand the Conservative point of view quite well, I was one for most of my life. But lets put it bluntly. None of them were saints.
Putting out books to tare down the other side makes them look just as bad as they claim the liberals are.

Conservative view point in actuality is good in the short term, but in the long term is destructive.
Lowering taxes in a time of war as lead to a recession and now we are on the verge of a depression, it has also lead to the degradation of the infrastructure (roads, bridges, electrical grids etc)
Deregulation has lead to the banks using unethical lending practices to make a profit when they knew that the borrower would default and they could foreclose and resell the property over and over. this has also lead to the current economic situation we are now in.
Now This is not to say that just the conservatives are responsible for it, ad both sides of the aisle are. But, the conservative surely got the ball rolling this direction.

Actually I can say that you should read some books by Thom Hartman....


thanks for the recommendations :D
but please listen to the books, they are fact based and dont at all tear anyone down they just state what is true. from my experience and i dont know everything by a long shot Ann Coulter obviously a republican if anyone didnt know is pretty despicable about name calling and such as are most liberals. these kinds of things dont have to be about that sort of thing just lookin at the facts is all :D
and if stating the facts and placing blame on the persons whose fault it was is bad then....well....that just doesnt seem bad to me it seems like the truth.
i will def check those books out, thanks again :D


Well-Known Member
You might try Paul Krugman's The Conscience of a Liberal. Krugman is a columnist for the New York Times and recently won the Nobel Prize for ecomomics.

Paul Wellstone's The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming the Compassionate Agenda is worth a read too. Wellstone was Senator for Minnesota until his career was cut brutally short by his death in a plane crash in 2002.

Also recommended: Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. Obama recently won the race for the presidency of the United States.

Be warned though that appreciating the liberal point of view requires an ability to empathize with others, as well as an 8th-grade or better reading comprehension, two qualities I haven't seen much in evidence in your posts.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
ElBarto - yeah, I'd recommend either of Obama's books as well, if nothing else because he's going to be our next president.

Also, is that Ayn Rand in your sig? And wasn't she kind of the opposite of a virgin? :p


Well-Known Member
maybe there is an audio book for him
You might try Paul Krugman's The Conscience of a Liberal. Krugman is a columnist for the New York Times and recently won the Nobel Prize for ecomomics.

Paul Wellstone's The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming the Compassionate Agenda is worth a read too. Wellstone was Senator for Minnesota until his career was cut brutally short by his death in a plane crash in 2002.

Also recommended: Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. Obama recently won the race for the presidency of the United States.

Be warned though that appreciating the liberal point of view requires an ability to empathize with others, as well as an 8th-grade or better reading comprehension, two qualities I haven't seen much in evidence in your posts.

its funny that you say i cant read and yet i do have a college education that I paid for with my own hard work. and we all know the American university system is run by a bunch of liberals. so if they graduated me without being able to read whose fault is that? do either of you have a college education?
and from my posts the only thing you would have learned from me that is that i must have differing opinions than yours. although it is just like a liberal to say unfactual and mean spirited things about people who are just trying to learn and better themselves as those are the people who actually think for themselves, which is the opposite of liberal.

Big thanks for the recommendations though. I will def check them out. My question is are you willing to learn a little about the other side?


Well-Known Member
i am listening currently to Thom Hartmann and within the first ten minutes of the book he states that we are all being mislead by the horror stories within mass media. well, as we all know mass media is run by liberals so, if what he says is true then it is the fault of the liberals.
Score 1 for the conservatives ;)


Well-Known Member
He just now said 16 minutes in that we are paying for kids in schools to take tests but not for music classes, how can that be when we are spending more money on education now then ever in the past?
Score 2 for the conservatives ;)


Well-Known Member
28 minutes in he states that conservatives think man is evil, hmmm.....
i am at a loss as to how he comes up with that being that it is the conservatives who dont think there has to be laws to help one another and that people will help one another any way
on the other hand liberals feel like without the government putting its nose in everything and making laws about peoples protections that man wouldnt help man....
Score 3 for the conservatives ;)


Well-Known Member
in his statements 34 minutes in he states about in his opinion the founder of liberalism John Locke states that before money natural law wouldnt allow man to have or to own more than he could use....
sheesh so you mean to tell me that when agrarian cultures started in 10000 B.C. and therefore led to having more food than the agrarian societies could eat that was money driven?
score 4 for the conservatives ;)


Well-Known Member
now he is saying that the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives 39 minutes in is that the conservatives believe people should be run by the iron fist of government and church and the liberals dont think so.....
hmmm.....take a look back at the laws and see who made laws to enforce beliefs first....matter of fact you dont even have to look, it was the liberals.....
so in defense of liberal laws on beliefs conservatives fought for there beliefs and that makes them different? worse? how is fighting for your belief in defense worse?
score 5 ;)


Well-Known Member
40 minutes in he states that corporations lock people into social classes that prevent humans from achieving there natural human nature...
lol, how is it that liberals dont understand that they are the ones who want to tax people who earn 200000 dollars or more a year at a larger percentage, which is most if not all small businesses, is what will close down the business and therefore discourage if not eliminate a persons ability to open a business even a well meaning one and lock them into there social caste?

wholly crap, now not even 30 seconds later the man who said that it is the conservatives who want to rule the people with the iron fist of the church is quoting the bible? yes he is.....


Well-Known Member
You might try Paul Krugman's The Conscience of a Liberal. Krugman is a columnist for the New York Times and recently won the Nobel Prize for ecomomics.

Paul Wellstone's The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming the Compassionate Agenda is worth a read too. Wellstone was Senator for Minnesota until his career was cut brutally short by his death in a plane crash in 2002.

Also recommended: Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. Obama recently won the race for the presidency of the United States.

Be warned though that appreciating the liberal point of view requires an ability to empathize with others, as well as an 8th-grade or better reading comprehension, two qualities I haven't seen much in evidence in your posts.
i was so busy with your flame of me that i forgot to even mention i have listened to both of Barack's books and recommend that you listen to or read since you are so smart Shelby Steele - A Bound Man for the reality of the situation ;)


New Member
bl33b ...

Excellent posts, bro. :)

In spite of what our mutual friend ElBarto says, in typical liberal arrogance, I have had no problem comprehending your words.

"Be warned though that appreciating the liberal point of view requires an ability to empathize with others, as well as an 8th-grade or better reading comprehension, two qualities I haven't seen much in evidence in your posts."



Well-Known Member
bl33b ...

Excellent posts, bro. :)

In spite of what our mutual friend ElBarto says, in typical liberal arrogance, I have had no problem comprehending your words.

"Be warned though that appreciating the liberal point of view requires an ability to empathize with others, as well as an 8th-grade or better reading comprehension, two qualities I haven't seen much in evidence in your posts."

awesome :D
thanks man!
i will give em a bit of time to actually read some of the books I recommended and then listen to what they have to say. In a way though I kind of doubt they will take the time to read any of them.


New Member
i will give em a bit of time to actually read some of the books I recommended and then listen to what they have to say. In a way though I kind of doubt they will take the time to read any of them.

Well, guess what. You are so right. I will not read any more negative conservative bullshit. They should take a little if their own medicine and quit trying to divide the people. I certainly don't need some conservative asshole telling me how fucked up I am, hey, I've got a wife to do that job. Blb, you are so twisted that it will take more than reading liberal books to get your mind straight. You actually think liberal is some sort of a disease. Just like your pal ViRedd, you actually hate liberals and really don't have a clue why. Other than to call us names and claim we're after your money, what is the reason you hate us so?? BTW, I used to be very right wing, untill I grew up and saw that the right wing was the rich mans party and I wasn't rich and really couldn't see a way to get rich. That's when I discovered emotions, the basic building blocks of maturity. Also, all you young guys that have visions of sugar plums dancing in your heads, get back to me in 20 years, we'll see if you are cruising the mediterranean in your 60-90 ft yacht, or if you're still working for the man every night and day.


Well-Known Member
i will give em a bit of time to actually read some of the books I recommended and then listen to what they have to say. In a way though I kind of doubt they will take the time to read any of them.

Well, guess what. You are so right. I will not read any more negative conservative bullshit. They should take a little if their own medicine and quit trying to divide the people. I certainly don't need some conservative asshole telling me how fucked up I am, hey, I've got a wife to do that job. Blb, you are so twisted that it will take more than reading liberal books to get your mind straight. You actually think liberal is some sort of a disease. Just like your pal ViRedd, you actually hate liberals and really don't have a clue why. Other than to call us names and claim we're after your money, what is the reason you hate us so?? BTW, I used to be very right wing, untill I grew up and saw that the right wing was the rich mans party and I wasn't rich and really couldn't see a way to get rich. That's when I discovered emotions, the basic building blocks of maturity. Also, all you young guys that have visions of sugar plums dancing in your heads, get back to me in 20 years, we'll see if you are cruising the mediterranean in your 60-90 ft yacht, or if you're still working for the man every night and day.

lol, dude you have totally missed the plot here. i am trying to tell you why i hate you so much, admittedly the books i have listed do it better than i can. so that is why i suggested they be read. and i wanted to get a better understanding of why liberals hate conservatives that is why i asked for your recommendations :D