What are some strains with virtually no couch lock?


Active Member
Harvesting your buds with more milky trichs and less amber trichs will give you a better head high also. I have MK on the line and it's an indica dominant sativa mixed hybrid. That's my evil plan.


Active Member
Yeah, even by harvesting early you'll still get some couch lock in my experience.

Thanks budologist, I will look inot that strain. I take it you've grown it? How many weeks flower? Does it stretch?


Hey, I`ve found that most sativa, totaly or up to 70/30 crosses are the most head highs. Like Rj41 and sloez47 said check buds for the color of nector. Its clear like when you pop the tops to make them branch out when young. The longer in flower the darker this fluid will get with more THC and compond called Cannabinoid-CB1. The Flying Dutchman Seed Co. has a pure sativa Kali Mist growes well outdoors as well as inside. Also hardy plant good in cooler climates that are highly moist. Show excellent resistance to molds and bugs. Sativa compared to indicas both produce THC levels vary by stains ang genetics. This is the buzz and they both produce a nother chemical, Cannabinoid-CB1. This is the rhino stopper and is very prelivent in indicas. Will put you on your ass as you come down. I`ve smoke some coma bud that after 4/6 hours coming down felt flu like conditions. This was superior indica with no chemical nutes/residue that had been flushed once a week for the last month of harvest. Felt like artritist and had hard time finding mouth with out pouring beer down side of face!! But will not hesitate to smoke it again, If you cant figure out how to drink a beer after 3 big bong hits, I suggest finding some of this and find out for you self!!! Dont try to take notes ,make popcorn before first hit. Dont try to cook anything or operate power tools/ equipment!! Have fire exsigwisher handy and a possable designated sober person in constant monitering of all other individules who have smoked this stuff. I heard it was a cross of durbin poison fem. and breed that comes from South Afrca. I can honetly say if asked I could not remember my name for two hours and this was just mature, propperly curded organic bud!!!! Lot laced or piped.