What Are Tha Best Nutes 2 Use?


Active Member
Hey Im Having Trouble Deciding Which Nutes I Shuld Use In My Plants,
Can Anyone Recommend Some Good Nutes 2 Use? And Maybe Werr I Culd Find Them?


Active Member
Dont flame ya'll
I used a little Miricle-gro and I got a sprout less than 12 hours later, my soil is almost nute-less(.xx NPK) BTW. and the sprout was still under the soil before I used the nute. so it must be doing something right.


Well-Known Member
im currently using canna for veg , but looking to try dutchmaster Gold for the bloom cycle.


Well-Known Member
ya basically anything these guys suggested is fine, the plant is gunna take up as much nutes as it sees fit, so no one formula will force more nutes into a plant, optimal conditions(more light = more nutes used for photosynthesis, more CO2 means more nutes to exchange air ect...) will make the plant able to grow bigger and thus resulting in the use of more nutes, which is why they grow bigger