What Are These Stains On My Leaves? PICSSSS!!!


whats going on here? is this a PH problem? My meter broke so ive been using the PH drops until the new one comes. I put her into rockwool 2.5 weeks ago. Using dutchmaster gold at about 650ppm right now. Also using silica and zone. Im using plain tap water, its pretty clean. Used RO last time, still might cave in and buy a RO system(got tired of making trips to walmart every week) Notice the light stains on the leaves and also the edges are curling up. Thanks!



Active Member
im not a hydro grower so i cant help much, but a few things come to mind.maybe underfeeding, 650 ppm seems a bit low. it could be pH, but the drop kits are accurate enough to make sure you are in the right range.might be bug damage, one shot looks kind of like leaf miners or thrip larvae. there is an off chance it is the beginning of a Mg def. really your plants look healthy, i wouldnt worry until you see more of an issue.


Active Member
Whats your Ph and how far away are your lights? I see a slight cupping of the leaves. It's nothing serious. Did you soak that hydroton in a 5.6ish ph water before ya used it? The hydroton comes PH nutral at 7 and will slowly raise your PH for a couple months if you don't. Finding out the hard way atm.........


Im using ph drops right now, so its hard to say exactly but im trying to keep it around 5.5-6. I was using t5's, they were like 5 inches from the top, But I since switched to air cooled 400w MH about 2 feet away. I did not soak my hydroton, didnt do that on my last grow either and never had this problem. Next time I will. Hopefully this is just a ph problem, I've been keeping a better eye on it, checking twice a day but nothing has improved. Added a bit of calmag this morning