What are your options if your plant is a male?


Active Member
well you could grow it for seeds... But im guessing your prob going some random bag seed. So that would be really pointless.

You can get fem seeds for cheap man.. Like under 5.00 each.. I would go that route man.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of people tryimg.to make hash of them, but its prpbably more effort than its worth. Not to mention the pollen would be released all over.


Well-Known Member
All above are very popular answers.
The amount of THC you would get off of it, are negligible, and you run the risk of having pollen all over your house.


Well-Known Member
you can make butter out of a male if it`s large but the butter will not be as good as when you use trimming and sweet leaf and tiny bud off a finished fem plant.


Active Member
In my opinion when it comes to males unless you are breeding for seeds, I wouldn't even waste my time with it.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you run an organic operation and you aren't looking to breed with it, your best option is to turn it in to compost...