What Did You Smoke Tonight!?


Active Member
:joint:Hey guys. Ok heres the deal i'm trying to start a thread were everyone will come and post thier smoking sessions. I don't know why...just seems cool to me. My last attempt was un succesful so help me out with this one. so i'm just trying to get a few faithful people to come post on here when you smoke i will too it can be like the hugest thread ever!

Okay you guys..thanks in advance!
Happy Tokin' bongsmilie


:joint:Hey guys. Ok heres the deal i'm trying to start a thread were everyone will come and post thier smoking sessions. I don't know why...just seems cool to me. My last attempt was un succesful so help me out with this one. so i'm just trying to get a few faithful people to come post on here when you smoke i will too it can be like the hugest thread ever!

Okay you guys..thanks in advance!
Happy Tokin' bongsmilie

you aren't smoking on anything tonight???:roll:
shwag and a little ams (greenhouse seeds), now keep your thread going and let us know what you're smokin on:joint:


Active Member
hey guys i just finished making a homemade hookah. =) it is amazing i ripped a bowl just now and i am just chillin watchin South Park and drinking some of that new Voltage flavored mountain dew. chances are ill smoke more ill get back on. aight guys keep Tokin!
the shit i smoked was just weed nothing special theres some red in there and some nice hairs..you can smell it across the room no joke i love it! just got done with a cig bout to lite up a blunt full of BLUE BERRY FROM TEXAS! lawl
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what uup

Active Member
Good no name (said to be sour d but I know its not :( ). And a tad of kief...or is it keif...?Either way It got me really lit.

GTA IV and COD4 till I go night night.


Well-Known Member
hey guys i just finished making a homemade hookah. =) it is amazing i ripped a bowl just now and i am just chillin watchin South Park and drinking some of that new Voltage flavored mountain dew. chances are ill smoke more ill get back on. aight guys keep Tokin!
Everything I smoke out of is ghetto. Soda cans, apples, and my pipe's bowl broke so I'm using tin foil. lol.

Bout to smoke some more swag.


Well-Known Member
hey man if u new what i smoked tonight man ud bee like tripping out of ur mind man its jjust fuckin freakin me out to the fulest of nature


Well-Known Member
nice man. I cant wait to get some good herb. this weekend i'm smoking like 1.2 ounces. Its goin to be a nice weekend. Got some friends coming over. ahahahaha i cant wait!


Well-Known Member
Nothing.... Need to hold on to whatever cash I have for tour at the end of the summer, and living back in this area has ruined all of my contacts... I've just been looking ahead for the next few months when I'll harvest some NL!


Active Member
guys check this out! i was at a dollor store and i saw these little jars full of sea salt and peppercorn and i was like wtf? so i went and looked at them and they had a cap that came with them and you turn the jar upside down and twist the cap and it grinds it up then you remove this thing off the top and its full of your ground pepper/salt! so guess what..for 50 cents i got the BEST grinder i have ever had!

Just got done with 2 bowls! bongsmilie