What do i do??


Well-Known Member

As shown in pics my plants leafs are drying up and i dont want he to die! :-( when a plant dies is this generally what happens? it started off with the bottom leafs but now its starting on the top leafs?!?! i need help quicktime:leaf: notice in the pictures how the bottom leafs are yellowy, when i touch it feels like it will crunch/snap off and now the top leaf is doing the same thing at the tip! i water every 3rd day continueing problem 004.jpgcontinueing problem 002.jpgcontinueing problem 001.jpgcontinueing problem 003.jpg



Well-Known Member
Looks like overwatering, to me. About all you can do about that, is quit watering, and let it dry out some, before the next watering. Don't let it dry completely, but almost. Then repeat that wet/dry process, til your plants have finished.

I hope they aren't too far gone, already. Also, there's other things that can cause yellowing, but, I have to run out the door, and only had time to state the most likely cause. Time for next poster to take over.lol :)


Active Member
Agree jawbrodt! Else... you're not feeding these babies any nutes right? They look nearly burnt to a crisp, at this stage no more than 1-1-1 1/4 strength and maybe one (light) foliar feeding of pH balanced water and 1/4 strength calcium/magnesium supplement if any. If this is the case, flush thoroughly with pH balanced water, allow the soil to dry completely then repeat. This looks like a seedling, you shouldn't fertilize until the plant has at least 4-5 sets of fan leaves.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
well, yea it looks like over watering let her dry out pretty good but dont let her wilt also get some good fert with nitrogen and do a very very low dose of it in water. like 1/10 of what it tells you to do on the back of the fert box. but be careful cause shes young.. also you might wanna check the ph if its to high. it might be locking out some nutes that the plant needs. the ph of the water you water her with should be around 6.3-6.9. also if you are using tap water make sure you let it set for 24 hours before you water her let the water air out and get the chemicals out. thats pretty much all just let her goo for like 1 or 2 weeks without watering it looks like a big pot she wont use water fast. at that age i would just dip the pot in water and let it soak it up from the holes in the bottom.

Green Floyd

Active Member
Don't do anything at all for one week. Then stick you finger in the soil. If it feels dry water thoroughly. Those little babes can't drink too much.

Here's a good post for reading the leaves:https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/150004-plant-moisture-stress-symptoms-solutions.html

I don't see anything there for the crispy leaf thing though. Are they getting very hot? Somewhere around 78 degrees is about right. You got a fan on them?
I've had a lot of seedlings look like that and turn out fine in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
no nutes yet, giving them RO water and i ph them between 5.85-6.05 and i think im just over watering but i go by feeling how heavy the pots are and they seem feather light so i water them!? but i guess i need to work on perfecting my watering schedual! temps are 81.0 BUT i just recently got a cool reflector and before i had a bare bulb and temps where 91.2 so i went and bought a cool reflector and dropped temps! maybey its temp shock and over wateringView attachment 1187074this is my operation

Green Floyd

Active Member
Nice setup man! Looks clean. What is your light schedule? 24/0? Try 20/4. I recently switched from the former to the latter and noticed an immediate improvement with my baby kushies. They looked just like yours with that little bit of yellowing but not the potato chip look.


Well-Known Member
Get a fan a fan with a low speed blowing on it to give it some some vigor. I would transplant it to a bigger pot too and give it only water for the next 5 days. If you do have any nutrients i would mix it at 1/8 strength to introduce it to the after 5 days. A great way to tell if your overwatering them is by putting your plant on a plate. after you water it the water will pool on the plate until the plant sucks it up. this iusally takes 2 days sometimes 3 days. after you notice the water being evaporated. Give them more.


Well-Known Member
P.S. Double the perlite, at least. The more the merrier. I like to use between 15 and 20%, 10% minimum. Go with 20-25%, and you'll never have to worring about overwatering, again(unless you flood them every day.lol)


Active Member
Like the guys said above, it def looks like your plants maybe over-watered. Let your pots dry out and don't water them until there dry or light. Also when mine are small like that I don't give them any nutes, the only thing I give them is either Olivia's cloning solution (to help them root) or I might give them a 1/8 or 1/4 strength dose of bloom burst (also to help them develop roots). Besides that no nutes until theyve got a few sets of leaves developed and there 6" tall. Whats the ph of your water? I like to keep mine around 6.2-6.5


Well-Known Member
i have not been giving them any nutes at all but now look whats happening! as you can see there droopy and goinng yellow and some of them the stem is starting to get weaker, it semms like 4 out of 5 of my plants are dieing!!! the only one that looks really good still is th pic on thefar right KUSHBERRY#1 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!View attachment 1188259View attachment 1188260View attachment 1188253October 1 2010 dieing plants 010.jpgView attachment 1188256View attachment 1188258View attachment 1188257


Well-Known Member
^Man, those things aren't looking very good, are they? About the only thing I can thing of, to suggest, is taking a large nail or something similar, and poke a shitload of holes in that soil, providing some aeration, and helping it dry out faster. A fan blowing around the bases of the pots, will help, as well.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Be sure you are pumping more air into your op as you are pumping out of it. Plants don't do so well in a vacuum. If you want to save these plants prop clear plastic bags over them and leave two small air holes made by a cigarette at pot top level opposite to each other. Place under cool white flouresent tubes(not grow bulbs). The roots are dying. Use 1/6 fertilizer as what is recommended by fertilizers' manufacturer. The clear plastic bag propped over the plant and taped around the rim of the pot with the two very small air holes will act simular to a cloneing bin and it will help the plant while it reestablishes its root system.

Green Floyd

Active Member
jawbrodt's idea of manually aerating might be worth trying. What about taking the whole thing right out of the pot? Drastic measures huh...
Maybe just try it on one or two since it is experimental.

My clones in soil just died so I know how you feel right about now. Luckily their mom is doing great.

What really sucks is how much seeds cost. Talk about exploitation. Jeez. You should be able to just blow it off and start over with out much concern.


Well-Known Member
^Nah, I poke the holes straight down through, about 6-8" deep rather than trying to remove it from the pot. I started doing that back when I had to add emergency lime, last year, and it allowed the lime pellets to sink deep within the soil, rather than letting them rest on the surface. It works really good.

EDIT: I think I misunderstood your response. Ooops. At any rate, I'd onl;y remove the whole rootball if it was an extreme emergency. Even then, I wouldn't. I'd crank the heat to the mid-80's for a couple days, and add some fans blowing in the pots. That'd speed the drying up, alot. :)

Green Floyd

Active Member
EDIT: I think I misunderstood your response. Ooops. At any rate, I'd onl;y remove the whole rootball if it was an extreme emergency. Even then, I wouldn't. I'd crank the heat to the mid-80's for a couple days, and add some fans blowing in the pots. That'd speed the drying up, alot. :)
No worries I'm not even sure I understood my response. Lol! I'm just brainstorming the whole remove it from the pot thing. Adding lime crossed my mind but I've never done it myself so I didn't mention it. So if Jawbrodt says he's done it and it works that may be your best hope. Good luck friend!