What do think is the biggest problem with America?


Undercover Mod
See your looking at the yearly deficit when I was talking about the national debt. Which the deficit is added to the debt yearly, but I'm saying is every country has debt. We were fine until it starting ballooning in the 80's.


Well-Known Member
The corporatization of America. Corporations are now firmly in charge. They want to privatize everything. They're coming after Social Security and want to privatize it.

Wall Street is still doing the same things that caused our economy to tank and no one has paid any price.

Check this video out:


Americans are fat, lazy and dumb as a sack of doorknobs. It's not getting any better folks. This country is in the shitter waiting for the big flush. It's over folks. It's over.


Undercover Mod
Lol we could go out with a bang? Still have 1500 nuclear weapons. 700 launch capable upon immediate response.


Well-Known Member
Too much government. Too much power in the hands of bankers...given to them by our government. Too much off-shore investing. Too much liberals vs conservatives...not enough here are the problems...let's solve them.

The main problems: trade deficit. Nothing and I mean nothing is more important. We are making China rich and ourselves poorer. We cannot compete with workers that have 10% of the cost of living that we do.
We simply would not be able to live anywhere in this nation on $1.00 an hour...or even less. So we need to impose massive tarriffs on imported goods much like other nations do to our goods.
national debt. this is secondary to trade deficit because working on the trade deficit would help tremendously here. Liberals...you WANT social programs? They cost money. I personally am all for many social programs
when we can afford them. When we cannot? They end up killing themselves. No money = no money. Love it or hate it...money makes everything possible. You can only charge up the national credit card so much before it adversely
effects ever single one of us.
unemployment. Listen 10% is unacceptable. Keep in mind that 10% is using government stats. The actual rate is far higher. Use up your unemployment? You no longer count as unemployed!!! But are you still unemployed? YES.
Every unemployed person costs the nation a ton of money. A) They buy less. So less companies can exist due to not being able to sell enough to keep their doors open. B) They get tens...perhaps even hundreds of thousands of dollars of unemployment
checks. C) They are generally eating up every social security net available which of course costs many thousands of dollars for each unemployed. D) They not only do not pay taxes...they get tax refunds in most cases!
biased reporting/media. The media is the worst that it's ever been. Stations no longer have slants...they flat out call the other side r3tarded. That isn't the purpose of news. That's propaganda. I do not wish to hear that "your" side
does it less than "their" side. That is propaganda talking...not you. STOP.
bankers. We are in trouble deep as we gave an unelected person god like control over our monetary system. THAT was the scariest "small print" in the bailout bill 1/547. Paulson, Geithner...they are bank insiders that now not only hold the keys to
true power in America...they are bullet-proof. They cannot be held accountable for their actions...literally and legally. THAT is a problem.


Active Member
Like some others have mentioned here, anyone who understands the economics of this country knows that our biggest problems are huge corporations and the banks. They have all the real power in this country and they are just getting richer and bigger while everyone else slowly goes down the shitter.

Every day I wake up and I'm surprised that people are not rioting in the streets. All of our politicians are bought and paid for and it will take something very drastic to change all that.

Everyone is so content with the status quo and are so afraid of their own government and police that it's not really looking good for the common person. =/

Here's a good source of info on this subject: Zeitgeist Movement (Check out their audio/video section under Main.)


Well-Known Member
Dum de deee dumdedeee dumbdedeeee.....Off to work I goeeeeeeee.....Gotta stop for gas first.....Oh wait can't leave yet Oprah is on my 60" TV.....I want to go shopping........I want my SUV to start it self, Park itself and then make me look really good at little Johnnies soccer game. NIMBY. Can't Talk mummmmmmwammmuuunnn ******EATING*******.....A Bear can eat a bull but a bull is full of shit.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I think this country is too divisive to fail. We'll see out our mother if need be. I am not too worried about the debt, or deficit, cuz in all honesty, well think of some shit sandwich that our government will tell china, and china will smile and say just buy our shit, and pay us back whenever.

Regarding politics:
Pass some shit that yields moral values
GO health care
GO financial reform
GO Energy Bill

If we don't allocate the money that way, some dick will just spend it on a war, corporate/upper class tax breaks, or killing mexicans. The debt ain't going down, don't believe someone when they say they are going to balance anything.

Look at the gold standard, didn't work anymore, it wasn't valued incorrectly or wrong, it just wasn't profitable to go off of. Toss it out.
That will happen again, all the countries will be in severe debt, no one will want to give up anything.
A new valuation system will be born, the IMF will change its clothes, and we'll be chugging along. Thats the beauty of it, money isn't actually anything.
No one is going to say "Well, we are in a lot of trouble, so lets just let the whole world fall into chaos" (seeing as how this is a world wide issue). There will be some mutually agreed upon, obscure system slapped together to marginalize and separate the debt from aspects of countries currencies (should that be a plural) and no one will say peep or the world goes in the shitter.
A lot of people say they want the world to go into the shitter, but its pretty hard to trade what you got now, to go to that.

So in the mean time, instead of squabbling over the debt and deficit, just get whatever the fuck we can, so when we have to take a cold hard look at things, it will at least be there.


New Member
Basically, the American people that have sat by and let these sleazebags take over our country. We now live in a plutochracy, ruled by the 1% elites. They decide everything major that happens in this country and the world. We are just pawns, with the right to bitch and moan, but don't try and change anything, Jail or death awaits. The end of Capitalism is around the corner, killed by greed. When the proletariate have no money to buy the wigets, the system will collapse. Without a worker base, there can be bo corporate structure, something the corporations have not yet learned. Even service industry jobs cannot function if the people have no money to spend on services, and no credit to use. At least during the bubble, the people had credit, cards galore and that bank in your front room, second mortguage. No More!


Well-Known Member
Well I believe that I could turn the country around in 1 Year. HOW well not being PC first thing I would is tell China to get fucked no more of your shit is coming in this country. Tax that shit so high no American can afford it. Tell ALL the American companies that have there jobs over seas to bring it back to the USA are lose it All these little countries that WE support will not get money for free. Most of the bastards just want to kill Americans. STOP the wars because we are paying the bastards to help the taliban.Stop bailing out any company when the bastards go broke take every thing they earned while fucking people and give it back who it belongs too. Cut the government to a size where you have to talk to each other not behind closed doors. Damn America trying to support the world time for America to look after Americans. The support for all these socialist groups like alcu,acorn etc, would stop. Just a few things to get America back on her feet. BUT AMERICA IS TO DAMN PC TO DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE.