What do you do with pale yellow buds on the bottom


Well-Known Member
Hi I was just wondering what does everyone do when you get some buds on the bottom of the plant that never got much light and are all pale and yellow and look like a little albino kid?

Do you think they will dry and cure into ok buds? They still have trichomes, they just look like they were grown underground or something.


Active Member
from my experience you can still smoke them they are fine.. but when it comes to harvesting and your spending hours cutting the plants is it worth it spending more time just to get a little extra bud? i did it the first grow i did but haven't on my others as i spend 12+ hours cutting and really cant be fucked spending more time trying to deal with little buds. but its up to you really whatever you think is best. hope this sort of helps.


Active Member
You use those buds, along with leaf trimmings, to make hash or cannabutter. You can make a surprising amount of brownies out of that stuff.



Well-Known Member
Make some hash,grade a cannabis.put all the bottom buds in a freezer bag and then into the freezer untill you have alot of small buds and then freeze them till you have a good quantity.then buy some printing screen from any art shop and put this around the bottom of a bucket and put a metal cir clip around it when you have enougth cutting put them on screen and shake from side to side.


Well-Known Member
hmm thanks for the answers! And to your response where the hell am i, you have never had a branch get hidden under a bunch of fan leaves and not get any light, thus making if extemely pale? Well it happens.


Well-Known Member
best thing ive heard to do is cut those lower branches off so the nutes and energy go to the upper buds