What do you feed your plants with?

Ive used for my first couple of grows the Plagron organic feed in the bottles (its given me good results) but I cant compare it to anything else. What do you use any tips ?


Well-Known Member
Ive used Canna... canna terra and canna vega with excellent results and I luvvvvv GHE RIPEN... and Guano!... and I like to always have CalMag on hand too! ;)


Well-Known Member
If it is soil grows you are on about I use Miracle gro all purpose soluble plant food and that shit is high in nitrogen so you only add a little. I'm feeding every 2-3 days and I'm almost a week into veg, and BTW you CAN feed veg nutes a week or two into flowering.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
If it is soil grows you are on about I use Miracle gro all purpose soluble plant food and that shit is high in nitrogen so you only add a little. I'm feeding every 2-3 days and I'm almost a week into veg, and BTW you CAN feed veg nutes a week or two into flowering.
just don't use mg in flower. good shit for starting plants up, though...


Well-Known Member
You can do light doses during the start of flowering but then after that you MUST totally cut off with the MG nutes unless you want to use MG Bloom booster as I heard it works good but I've never tried it before.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
bloom booster will fuck your plants in the ass without even the decent courtesy of a reach around. WAY too much phosphorous, causing a toxicity, ph imbalance, then lockout. you'll get yellow/purple crispy leaves and by that time it's too late to fix it.


Well-Known Member
I use good soil ( my native soil mixed with EB Stone Compost Bale) which I mix a month or two before planting. Then feed with EB Stone Fish Emulsion with Kelp and every other week add a teaspoon per gallon of Molasses.



For Flower I continue my Fish Emulsion at half strength, molasses same, and start MaxSea.

It's simple and effective..I'm not claiming that EB Stone is better than anything else, whatever works for you is great, but it's organic and I can get if before cheap from a nursery owner friend of mine.