what do you like to drink during your smoke sessions?


Well-Known Member
We poor folk. We drink water, kool-aid, and the occasional off-brand soda.

I got some skunky ass natty-light in the fridge, anyone want it?


Well-Known Member
i must rant. in ireland they dont have-
cherry coke
dandelion and burdock
cherry 7up
its BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!
anyway in the daytime all the above plus oasis at night its wife beater(stelle) sambuca, jeagermeister, any strong european beer.

Muscle Bud

Active Member
The best thing is a partially frozen, extreme mango gatorade shaken up well so all the ice chunks are tiny! I'm grab'n one now....shit ya!


Well-Known Member
I was smoking a joint and tasting on some pussy juice......... does that count???

hell yeah lol,what did you drink to wash down the pussy juice?

my friend just told me if i sprinkly alka seltzer on pussy it makes bitchez horny?is this true lol

strawberry daiquiri sobe

mountain dew -any flavor especially red

most soda except doctor pepper

sometimes milk if its before bed lol

slurpees for the hot summer


Well-Known Member
GUYS GUYS GUYS i have found the perfect drink to sip on while smoking it taste so good with any smoke...its doublin dr. pepper...or the kind of dr.pepper made with real sugar not corn syrup. its amazing