What Do You Like to Eat Your Mushrooms On/With?


Well-Known Member
the title says it all. what do you like to eat your mushrooms on/with?

last time i took em it was on an English muffin with peanut butter, ive had them on bread with peanut butter a few times, i think this is probably the best way to eat them

one time i had 4g of shrooms on a steak and cheese sub. you should have seen everyone in the restaurant while i dosed up my sub with my own mushrooms. priceless


you serious? you eat em fresh off the cow shit? i thought it was best to let them dry for a week min
they kick in alot faster fresh, and sometimes i dont even use cow shit and when i do is always pastureized


Well-Known Member
Yeah brother, I have tried fresh and wet. But my favorite has got to be mushrooms ground into a powder, the mix it with water, then just kick it back. Don't give the water time to really saturate the dust, but when you finish the drink are you in for a roller coaster. Tastes like ass, and don't inhale any dust by mistake. Oh fuck!



Well-Known Member
Yeah brother, I have tried fresh and wet. But my favorite has got to be mushrooms ground into a powder, the mix it with water, then just kick it back. Don't give the water time to really saturate the dust, but when you finish the drink are you in for a roller coaster. Tastes like ass, and don't inhale any dust by mistake. Oh fuck!

ive heard of doing this, and making shroom tea, but i also hear the tripp dosnts last as long


Well-Known Member
It's not quite shroom tea, I find it is more like regular mushrooms but the trip comes on alot quicker. But shroom tea comes one as quickly as your body wants to use up that water, haha. Then you are tripping, so between ten to 30 minutes. But with this takes 25 minutes and I was tripping hard for like 5 hours.



Well-Known Member
Grind em up, put em in a small glass, and squeeze the juice of two large lemons in the glass. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then take the shot. All you taste is lemon juice, goes down easy, and the acidic juice extracts the psilocybin and makes it kick in faster. The trip is shorter than when eaten normally, but more intense. 2 grams will feel like 3.5, and lasts an average of 5 hours. I usually see visuals in the 15-20 minute range.

But, if I'm gonna munch em, I find that a Taco Bell bean burrito with extra cheese and a lot of hot sauce does the trick quite well.


use everclear to extract psilocybin and evaporate it and eat some crystals or drink some of it. that will fuck you us with out the hassle of having to eat boomers.


Well-Known Member
Easiest way ive found is to grind them to a dust and put them in a little bowl of apple sauce. Let it sit in the fridge for like 10 minutes until cold and then slurp that back in one big gulp. Dont taste the shrooms at ALL and they kick in within 15 minutes.


Active Member
Haven't had the shrooms in a awhile. A LOOONNG while. I like them with peanut butter, but they were also REALLY nice in an omelet in the mourning. Best idea my friend ever had. Some local raised ham, homegrown shrooms and veggies, localled collected Morel shrooms, and some cheese was like a slice on heaven on my plate.

Damn, now ya'll got me hungry.


Well-Known Member
one of my friends told me this hardcore story, it just came to mind

he put an 1/8 of shrooms on a slice of pizza one time at a cabin while on vacation. he ate the pizza and washed it down with a beer. i guess the beer was the mistake. he was standing in front of the stove and just threw up all the food he had just eaten all over the stove top. in the vomit he could see all the caps and pices of chewed mushroom he had just eaten so he picked them out and ate them! and washed the puky shrooms down with another beer before he cleaned his puke up. he said he started tripping hard right after the cleaning was done

this is the same friend who ate half a roll out of the dirt at a concert, so.....


Active Member
Where i live there is only one guy that grows shrooms and he only sells them as chocolates. Each chocolate has 2 grams of shroom powder in it. Plus whenever he got pulled over, all he had on him was a box of chocolates.
He said he got the recipe off the 'net somewhere. Idk but those chocolates are fuckin' scrum-dididley-umptious!


Active Member
one of my friends told me this hardcore story, it just came to mind

he put an 1/8 of shrooms on a slice of pizza one time at a cabin while on vacation. he ate the pizza and washed it down with a beer. i guess the beer was the mistake. he was standing in front of the stove and just threw up all the food he had just eaten all over the stove top. in the vomit he could see all the caps and pices of chewed mushroom he had just eaten so he picked them out and ate them! and washed the puky shrooms down with another beer before he cleaned his puke up. he said he started tripping hard right after the cleaning was done

this is the same friend who ate half a roll out of the dirt at a concert, so.....
That is hardcore. I wanna kick it with that guy.