What do you think of my mutant?


It's velvet bud, about 4 weeks old from seed and been in 12/12 for 1 week.

for the first couple of weeks it was growing a normal set of 2 branches at each node and most leaves that came out of these nodes were growing with 4 normal blades and one large round central blade.

After the 5th or 6th node, all the leaves started coming out normal, but there were 3 branches at each node.

I've had a few plants start with 3 branches per node, but they always grew out of it. I've never seen any go from 2 to 3.

Has anyone seen this before?


[email protected]

Well-Known Member
there is a def that causes leaves to contort or grow irregularly im not reallly sure what it is i just remeber reading it somewhere i will see what i can find and get back to you


Well-Known Member
i've got a mutant critical+ plant that looks kind of like that growing right now. I can throw up a pic in the morning, she's sleeping right now.
sleeperls, I was wondering how long it would be untill I saw another kenny powers avatar on here. Your fuckin out!