What do you think?


Active Member
So I threw my seeds in paper towels(it was in 4/20/08 :mrgreen:). Waitin' for them to sprout. This is my first grow, and by the way it's 100% bio grow.

HQ White Widow seeds
White Widow Marijuana Seeds Price Comparison

Plagron Light Mix Soil

Plagron Alga-Grow Nutrients

Plagron Alga-Bloom Nutrients


150w Blue-white cfl for vegetative

150w Red-white cfl
4x20w Red-white cfl's for flowering


~100m3/h intake fan with ozone filter and dust filter

105m3/h exhaust fan with small carbon filter

three 30w 230v "computer" fans to oscillate the air

3.3x5x2 grow room with white reflective film and 2in foam plastic on the floor.


CO2 generator like in "cheap homemade co2"


I'm thinking of 3 plants so two or one will be females. I know the grow room is very small, bet thats my first grow.

I just want to know what do you all think.

I'll make some pic's when the plants will be goin'

Manny Ramirez

Well-Known Member
It sounds like you know what you are doing............you're a man with a plan.....post some pics when you can.....good luck dude ...


Well-Known Member
ruuperts you need to quite f$%#ing around and spend some money on a hps....at least a 400 hps. dont waist ur time and do it right


Active Member
ruuperts you need to quite f$%#ing around and spend some money on a hps....at least a 400 hps. dont waist ur time and do it right
I know, I know, but you lucky bastards live in US or Canada or something, but I live in Latvia, most of the people haven't even heard of a place like this.It's very,very hard(even impossible) to get a white/black pvc plastic here, there is one place were you can get a hps, but its about 90$ / a bulb + they have bad quality reflector(only one type and it's shiny silver and single parabolic).

Does someone know good i-shops that sell cheap hps kits and ship to europe?