What do you watch


Well-Known Member
i dont blaze in the house cause my parents would flip, but i've been watching a lot of entourage lately. the best show


Well-Known Member
I blaze in the shade then I sit on my big fat caramel colored leather sectional couch, flip up the recliner, have some nice red tampico juice or grape juice on my left hand side and watch cartoons. Im into watching old shows like the smurfs or tom and jerry on the boomerang channel that shows old cartoons. My parents look at me and smile not knowing im stoned as fuck lol. I also watch scooby doo too and try to figure out the villain and i write down the bad guys lol. This is ONLY when im stoned by the way.


Well-Known Member
my brother just downloaded a season of breaking bad, i haven't watched it yet cause i've been catching up on entourage and now dexter, is it good?


Well-Known Member
i watched the first episode of breaking bad this morning, pretty weird show but a cool concept. I'll probably watch the rest of the season see how it all plays out.


Well-Known Member
i'm going to invest in something like planet earth on blu ray. love watching that type of thing.


Well-Known Member
planet earth is a great watch i have the entire season, they've done other ones too like there's one on the oceans and stuff but i haven't seen it yet, i think there's a space one too


Well-Known Member
Call me weird, but i prefer to listen to music.... Pink floyds the dark side of the moon is a personal favorite. But if you want to go out of your freakin mind watch the movie Pink floyds The Wall!


Well-Known Member
Since it's summer. I watch Wipeout, I survived a japanese gameshow. I also frequent the food network quite a bit. lol