What does everyone think of my babies?

richard sin

Active Member
Hi guys, firstly I must say what a quality site this is, everyone seems so friendly and knowledgable. Happy days indeed.

Ok then.... This is my first proper grow. With proper equipment (I had a bash before but used the wrong light and unfortunately cooked em to death).

I've been lucky enough to acquire three plants from a friend about a week ago. He has grown them up till now, but due to space restrictions could no longer carry on. They are currently on a veg lighting cycle, using a 150w cfl light. My buddy told me that I should switch to flowering cycle in about a weeks time (from todays date)

Let me introduce you...

Chastity (cheese), Brenda (bubblegum), Charlie (cheese).

Chastity, is in Miracle Grow soil, the other two are in the local nurseries own brand multi-purpose compost. (there is no real reason for this, just what i could lay my hands on a the time of transplanting)

I'm pretty happy so far, In my EXTREMELY limited opinion they look lovely. I just wanted a second opinion cos I'm real scared of killing em again.

Also, another friend seems to think, that brenda is beginning to flower? If thats the case would leaving her in the veg light cycle with the others cause any harm?

Thanks very much in advance for any info.


richard sin

Active Member
oh.... almost forgot, apparently, my buddy reckons that one of the cheese plants may be a male. So my other question is; apart from the obvious signs during the flowering stages (i.e balls or no-balls) are there any other distinguishable features between males and females that show at this point?


Active Member
Nothing. Until they start showing pre-flowers, there are no other ways to tell if it's male or female yet. You could try taking a cutting from each plant, putting it under HPS 12/12 cycle to force it to show sex.. will take a week or 2.

Looking at those pics, I think I can already tell there are a few females.


Well-Known Member
Chastity and Brenda look like females from the flowers I think I'm seeing... Charlie isn't showing sex as far as I can see (if i haven't got the names mixed up!) Either way sounds like you should get them all under 12/12 as quick as possible... plants look healthy to me though! You're lucky to have a mate that's willing to give up a female :)

Good luck, have fun, and don't f*cking kill it! :)

richard sin

Active Member
cool thanks guys. Yeah I'm very greatfull to my friend, he just ran out of space.... don't think his missus was to happy either though lol

gonna be getting a hps light next week when I get paid. Do ya reckon I should wait till then to start the 12/12 or start them flowering now under the cfl?