What effects do high temps have?


Well-Known Member
I got a 400 hps in a big closet and temps are at 82 now after 4 hours and im sure it will climb up a little more. I have a fan blowin on the light and a fan pullin air from the grow area. So what are the effects if my flower room temps are at like 85 degrees? I may try to make the DIY cool tube but I want to know if 85 would really do to much. Its 85 outside all summer :-|


Well-Known Member
heat stress can cause your plants to have stunted growth.

i would not panic at 85, but if you can get it down a little it would be better- but you certainly do not want to be any higher.

if i were you i would consider installing a CO2 system, which allows you to increase growing temps to well over 100, or another extraction fan.

some equatorial strains grow at 125F.

with high temps best to keep an eye on humidity also.


Well-Known Member
good info guys, thanks..im goin to let it run tonight and see what my temps max at before I put any ladies in there