What happened


Active Member
Ok well i think i might have planted a bit to late because the sprout already had 2 very small leaves on it. So monday i planted it in the wild in a bucket full of topsoil and watered it. I checked ti again today and it seem like some parts of the dirt were a little mixed around and the sprout seemed to have lost the leaves. Did an animal get to it or is it just renewing the leaves since they came out in germination?


Well-Known Member
sprout was sitting outside in it bucked, dirt mixed up in it next day and sprout gone?
sounds for me like a go reason to go on a little squirrel extinction mission sooner then later;) bad luck, sorry for you lost:(


Active Member
Goddamn squirrels. It looked like jsut like a lil bit of upturned soil not much. Dindnt look liek the sprout got chewed just the leaves sddenyl dissapeared.

Wait, maybe some weirdo flipped the sprout over? That idea came to me but I jsut said ill wait and see.

And if animal did get to it, does this mean the plants lost already.


Well-Known Member
It's done. You need to protect a young seedling with chicken wire or something if you are going to go straight outside with it.


Active Member
so even though the root system and everything is still there since the leaves are gone Im screwed? Even is i am ill just get antoher 14 kryps for free =D


Well-Known Member
well if it won't come back in the next week, YES, sorry.
it may come back, but if, head down to church and put a big candle up!... chances are more then little since those leaves are the "solar collectors" of the plant, main power source, CO2 filter, roots are more about keepin it in the ground and gettin water up and nutes, the power-base/battery but the leaves are the engine that is gone:(