What inventions are useless ?


bud bootlegger
I am going to go with "engagement ring"
engagement rings i can see, the new trend that i think is friggin crazy is what they call a push ring.. that's right, men are giving their baby momma's rings just for pushing out the baby, as if someone having my kid isn't gift enough, please.. :D


Well-Known Member

or anti flatulence underwear. Comes complete with charcoal filter pads….

The original Under-Ease 1G underwear for flatulence is made with a quality design and soft materials from 100% cotton with a light polyurethane coating to prevent leakage. The elastic fits firmly around the waist and legs forcing all the gases out through the filter, containing a high concentration of carbon to absorb the odors; easing anxiety and embarrassment. This material is long-lasting and can be washed frequently. Under normal conditions, Under-Ease 1G will last from several months to a year, and are manufactured in the U.S.A.