what is better for mother seed or clone


I was just wondering what everyones opinion was I have 4 plants all ready to go into flower...Waiting for some more room in bloom room always stay 100% legal on my license.... But I was wondering should I throw them in and take clone and make mother out of it or should I keep the original plant as a mother and take clones off veg those and put those in flower...... in my opinion I think from seed is better mother material forms a solid taproot from birth but clone is an excact copy.

comments well be appreciated I kno everyones wondered this at one time :leaf:
Put all four into flower so you can see how they perform. Take a clone off of EACH one and label them 1-4...

Pick the best phenotype and use the clone to make a mother plant... You can then clone off that mother and have consistent

So to answer the question you have to flower the seed one unless you only have one kind. I have success cloning off a mom
for a couple harvests and then making a new mom each year.

Are all four plants cloned from the same mother? How many of the four are from seed?


Well-Known Member
Put all four into flower so you can see how they perform. Take a clone off of EACH one and label them 1-4...

Pick the best phenotype and use the clone to make a mother plant... You can then clone off that mother and have consistent

So to answer the question you have to flower the seed one unless you only have one kind. I have success cloning off a mom
for a couple harvests and then making a new mom each year.

Are all four plants cloned from the same mother? How many of the four are from seed?
I might add, if you do flower those mother plants, and run them an extra long time... 14 weeks or so, they may produce some viable pollen. Good Mother plants have a way of doing this if you know what to look for.. just the random nanner usually works for me, but I hunt for them. If you are lucky and have this happen, you could then backcross your best girl to her mom and get some fem seeds... just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Whats more important to you...your license or more weed? better to have a small sequential grow than this volume in volume out, and seeds got the valuable virility that clones miss


thanks for the reply's more information to fill you in....everything has been vegged about 2 months I have 1 M.O.B /2pennywise/1 chemdog,pineapplchunk.. all grown from seed all female plants m.o.b and pennywise were regular seeds chemdog,pineapplechunk was feminized


my license is important but I get yield anyway I run 1000k lights haha all I need is 6 in the bloom room to make a sonic boom


Well-Known Member
Then why are you asking questions about how to preserve genetis if you are such a great grower scubdub... errrr ... um... scoobydube... pardon.. haha
my license is important but I get yield anyway I run 1000k lights haha all I need is 6 in the bloom room to make a sonic boom


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply's more information to fill you in....everything has been vegged about 2 months I have 1 M.O.B /2pennywise/1 chemdog,pineapplchunk.. all grown from seed all female plants m.o.b and pennywise were regular seeds chemdog,pineapplechunk was feminized
I saw that you are also growing white widow.. How's that going for you ?


I will post some pictures when I can im not sayin im the bomb or nothing lol its all based on genetics of the plant and I was asking cause this is where ask ive heard of genetic stray over the years so I wanted to see wat comments people had


its going pretty good its white widow and lavender some freebies I got from a ccm meeting have 2 female 1 already in flower about 3 weeks will post pics when I get my camera back


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply's more information to fill you in....everything has been vegged about 2 months I have 1 M.O.B /2pennywise/1 chemdog,pineapplchunk.. all grown from seed all female plants m.o.b and pennywise were regular seeds chemdog,pineapplechunk was feminized
Also scoobydube, in another thread you claim to have 3 pennywise.. ..... see what I'm doing is calling you out.. it seems you change your story a lot, and I'm looking out for things like that when I'm on a site such as this.. It may be wise to know that most of us do the same.


I do have 3 but one is stunted because I had a mouse bite on its stock and it fucked it up mouse is dead now ill show u pics of that to.....it took out 1 pineapple express 1 blue hash plant 1 automatic climax and 1 delahaze all seedlings


Well-Known Member
How are those ccm meeting anyways.. ? I've never been to one. How's the turnout? I always worry about how cliquish they might get.. you know.. sort of like a high school crowd.. either way.. best of luck to you. Do svidanya.


they are good I attend the one in winterport its is professional at the same time everyone is laid back

not trying to mislead im no hightimes grower...maybe someday. but I do grow some good meds and I didn't mention the other pennywise cause its like 5inch's talland idk if its gunna be female or not lol it got rocked still have 2 seeds of it tho cause I had 5


Well-Known Member
they are good I attend the one in winterport its is professional at the same time everyone is laid back

not trying to mislead im no hightimes grower...maybe someday. but I do grow some good meds and I didn't mention the other pennywise cause its like 5inch's talland idk if its gunna be female or not lol it got rocked still have 2 seeds of it tho cause I had 5
Yeah... that's cool... I doub't you are misleading anyone... and I'm happy for anyone who has the energy to grow medical grade herb. As far as the meetings go... I don't do professional.. because the only difference between a professional and an amateur is money. And I prefer a forthright approach , rather than laid back and lackadaisical one. But that's just my cup of Chaga. I would discuss this more, tho as not to be overly polite, and false, I get a strange vibe from this virtual engagement .


Well-Known Member
" let your fingers do the walking , let your fingers do the walking , let your fingers do the walking"
-- Henry Rollins -- Family Man--.