What is eating my plants !!!


Active Member
ok. I had this beautiful, amazing, SUPER LEMON HAZE seedling. So, Something has eaten the base of it. I really want to hear some good news, saying it will recover.

Look at the pictures, right at the base of the plant.

keep in mind, i was growing indoors with a shitty light with all of my 14 plants. a few died from idk what the fuck, and then on 4, the same thing was done as this. 1 survived, 2 didnt.

I am late in the season - thats because an entire crop of like 8 plants were eaten inside by mice. i think they are the culprit. They fuckin live in the closet. I thought i had taken care of them - i bought rat poison and put it everywhere. Then, after the last 2 were nibbled, i was like fuck this everything is going outside.
Things were great outside. I have all lowryders and this. This one was supposed to yield me bigtime. WHat the fuk am i going to do now. ADGOUSHG{OIUEBFGO{ HELP!!! will it be ok???

what can i do? is my solution as of now aight?



Active Member
by the way the part where the plant was bitten was around the base, and it was completely bitten all the way around. It is under the ground. WHat did this to the plant. How can i repair it?


its just a seedling man. if was completely severed then its fucked. even if u put rooting powder on it its too late. sorry man


Active Member
its not, the thing is , it still was moving its top towards the sun, etc.

For instance, when i went down to see it, it was laying on its side but the leaves were all facing the sun. They recorrected when i used the pen thing to make it stand up again. Its NOT completely severed, but 360 it was chewed a small amount, which weakened the base a lot. Do u think it will regrow that area?
what it you put some quick bandaging around it, when im clumsy and snap an arm too hard some duct tape is always good for the rescue


Active Member
can i get a serious response. i paid for these seeds and ive lost 5 plants to this


Active Member
I really have never heard of something like it...i ve heard and seen of spider mites and other kinds of bugs,but non of them eats the stem...!!This looks like broken or something!!Anyway,i believe its difficult to recover,but you can give it a try with a bandage or something like that!
Did all your seeds end that way?Did you had the same symptoms?


Well-Known Member
ok ill add my 2 cents worth i would stick something in the ground to tie plant 2[i use bbq skewers] then i would spray base of plant with vegetable safe bug killer[wal-mart $5.00] a word of caution dont spray on leaves, just soil & base of plant 1 time a week this is simple & low-tech but i think it will work ,you wont know if you dont try, best of luck & let me know your results mos people here will help a guy out



Active Member
yea why did you say not the leaves? i did that on some of my leaves, fucked them for real.


Well-Known Member
i sprayed some young clones & screwed the leaves up pretty bad & lost a bunch of them so i dont spray small plants for that reason gonna try aza-max in future on 1 plant only wait a couple of days & if that 1 plant is ok then ill spray the others, a lesson learned the hard way. im not the most experienced grower, but have a few grows under my belt & getting better i hope things work out for you. im gonna try slh next winter have barneys farm pineapple chunk 4 next grow & currently growing a g-13 strain of some sort. discoloration on small plant leaves caused by bug spray

