What is everyone's preferred method against PM?

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
The true biodynamic way of using/making all these herbal preparations can be a bit of a thing to swallow for most people... considering Steiners lectures on the subject.

But I think the most important part is the basic underlying philosophy of the earth/farm as an organisum, composed of many interdependent, symbiotic processes, linked to the cosmic energies, surrounding the earth.

Thus, all things, plants and animal, have specific roles to play in this cosmic drama...

Yarrow...brings Sulfur in to play, fixing other minerals into soluble forms, and correcting weakness of the astral body.

Chamomile....brings Potash and Calcium, stabilizes soil nitrogen, fights fungus/disease.

Nettles are a solid sorce of Macro and Micro nutrients. Iron, calcium, magnesium and a host of others. It makes our soils inwardly sensitive, or "intelligent" and are able to manufacture or draw in needed energies and elements.

Dandelion brings silic acid into play, interacting with potassium elements, mediating the cosmic energy held within the silicon, manufactured in the stars millions of years ago.

Valerian stimulates the soil with phosphorus, and contains many essential micro nutrients.

These plants were selected by Steiner, not only for the purely material elements they contain, but the relationships those elements play within the plants themselfs, and also the relationships they have to each other.

Although, all of these herbs are used in a very specific ways on the biodynamic farm, they still have broader implications for agriculture as a whole. And simply brewing up these plants, and applying thier use, will bring emmense changes to our gardens, our selfs and the planet earth.


I'm so glad I found this thread! I've been fighting a small infection deep into flower and have been coming up empty searching for a veganic solution to PM. I just ordered 2 lbs of leaf and cannot wait to give it a shot. Thanks nugs!


I am ready to apply my Horsetail tea (dry/chopped organic horsetail) on my PM issue. I too have been frustrated and really appreciate the timeliness of this thread and I'm also encouraged by Rising Moon's input about other BD herbs. I look forward to doing more exploration into the power of other useful Bio-Dynamic herbs in our sorts of grows. Thanks Nugs and all. Who knows, we may be evolving a new DIY mmj specific herbal maintenance foliar formula...BD#420 anyone?

