What is it?

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
Is it male or a hermie? And is there any use of keeping either...it's the only plant i've got it was dropped off in my care a week ago..Picture.jpg


Well-Known Member
one male anywhere near it can pollinate it. even in the same house. pollen is light and travels a long way on the slightest air current
im growing and im not sure what strain of weed it is.. maybe someone can help me out on what it might look like.. ill post some pics

and this is about 1 week later...

this plant is about 2 mouths and some weeks old.. about 13 inchs tall.. is it a dwarf? .. this question is for anyone that can help me


Active Member
@barefoot that is one prego lady u got there. chances are the males did their job. You won't get much smokables off her.

@ barbaric that plant is HUUUUNGRY.. whats the light cycle?
well i keep it in my window.. i know.. not very much liht.. but it gets the job down for now.. should i put it in a fish tank and have a light on it? what would u purpose i do


Active Member
It is allready budding from the natural light. which is why it's soo small. Feed her a bit you might get more than a gram that way. Kinda too late to do much else. reverting her would be a hassle, unless it is a holy grail i wouldn't bother.
well i keep it in my window.. i know.. not very much liht.. but it gets the job down for now.. should i put it in a fish tank and have a light on it? what would u purpose i do