What is the best way to clean my glass pipe?


New Member
I have two babies. Brody and Jody and I need the best way to clean them. I hate the resin build up, it makes me sick :-/. Help me out??


Well-Known Member
Scrape as much of the bulk out, then soak in 91 Iso in a ziplock for a few hours and shake around after an hour, and or boil the majority out and smooth over with an alcohol soak.... Paper clips or pope cleaners.... Wear gloves....shits dangerous
I've yet find an easier way than rubbing alcohol+salt. Tape off the carb, pour some salt in the bowl, then drizzle in some alcohol. I cover the mouth piece with a finger and shake it real good. For the bowl I just put some salt in, a couple drips of alcohol and then rub it around with my finger until clean. Rinse really well with hot water til clean and then let it air dry. Good as new and it only takes a couple of minutes.


Like everyone else said. 91%+ Iso and Epsom Salt.
For Small Pieces I will pour Iso and Salt into a ziplock and shake around like there is no tomorrow. Always be sure to clear space around you so you do not slam you bag into something. Sounds dumb but you would be surprised :-o.
I will shake for about 30 sec. then take out the piece, rinse and use cotton swabs dipped in Iso to scrape gunk off.
I usually do a few cycles of that before my piece is back to new. If gunk is extra heavy, blowing in the piece helps me, (Always make sure the bowl is facing down!)
Good Luck!
And remember...the best way to keep a piece clean, is clean water. Always change water.