What is the best way to...?


Active Member
Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone knew how to create male pods on a female plant to be able to retrieve pollen to breed plants?

What is the best way to get pollen?

Anyone know?

I remember a thread somewhere here about it I think, anyone have a link to that if it exists?



Well-Known Member
If you have a male you can litterally shake the male over a female and watch the pollen fall on her. It's almost like a canna-porn. Splatter it on her face dude :)

Fdd did a really nice tutorial that is a bit more surgical. Check the Advanced Harvest section. It's at the top as a sticky. I think he cracks a seed, squeezes the pollen out and brushes it onto the female hairs. Something like that. It was very educational.



Well-Known Member
Ive heard of a few ways. You can hermie the plant to produce male pollen sacs by waiting past the harvest period about two weeks, or you can light stress the plant to produce the same results. Giberellic acid and colloidial silver will do the same thing if sprayed on a female plant. Cheapest way to do it would be to light stress the plant, the best way ive heard of is the colloidial silver. watch closely tho so you dont seed up your lady...hope this helped


Well-Known Member
Just noticed I misread your post. I'm really not familiar with the techniques to induce hermi bro.

Plant a few seeds. Many of them will produce a male. Now you have pollen.