What is wrong with my girls??


Hi people,
ok i'm a grower with experiance and know how and i'm stumped.
The plants are in 6in rockwool in 4x8 trays. EBB FLOW 4X A DAY 15 MINS EACH CYCLE ONLY DURING LIGHTS ON CYCLE.
Two weeks into bloom with three part gh and liquid karma and bud candy the ph is 5.8 and the ppm is like 1300 1500 the plants looked great and i flushed them to trans to aggresive bloom and this is what thay did. I've never seen leaves do this curling up then down??????? I'VE HAD THEM FLUSH FOR 2 DAYS NOW AND THE PROBLEM IS ONLY GETTING WORSE. I DON'T WANT TO ADD ANY FERTZ RIGHT NOW BECAUSE THEY LOOK SO STRESSED. I DID RUN OUT OF THE BUD CANDY SO I GAVE THEM SOME MOLASSIS (IM SURE I SPELLED THAT WRONG) THE UNSULPHANATED KIND. I DON'T KNOW IF THAT MIGHT BE THE PROBLEM?
I'm hoping there overwatered and have taken them off water and wanted to know if anyone has seen this before or has an idea. TONIGHT IS THE FIRST NIGHT WITH NO WATER, MY LIGHTS COME ON AT 9PM SO I'LL SEE WHAT THE GIRLS LOOK LIKE IN THE AM.


So i came home after 24 hours with no water and they look so much worse!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm starting to thing toxic salt????????
I letf my camera at the party so I'll pst some pics tom.


Well-Known Member
So i came home after 24 hours with no water and they look so much worse!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm starting to thing toxic salt????????
I letf my camera at the party so I'll pst some pics tom.
testing the rockwool (R/W syringe) and find out the ppm would be a good idea.

Robert mentioned root rot, how do the roots look?


Well-Known Member
Let them dry out they look over watered but not too bad it looks like they should be showing their deficiency soon if there is a nute lock

If its none of these things then indeed ur roots could be fucked. flush them with water and some root stimulator if your having root problems to get them white again. i think hydrogen peroxide dose the trick for the roots but not a lot just a little bit in the flush water. I think first step to recovery is the root system get them white again if they are having probs


Well-Known Member
another thing is that u could have mixed ur molasses too strong and clogged the stomata things which eject water from under the leaf. In this case get a nice clean towel dip it in ph balanced water and clean under the leafs. thats if you have a salt block on the leaf hope this helps. good luck


let them dry out they look over watered but not too bad it looks like they should be showing their deficiency soon if there is a nute lock

if its none of these things then indeed ur roots could be fucked. Flush them with water and some root stimulator if your having root problems to get them white again. I think hydrogen peroxide dose the trick for the roots but not a lot just a little bit in the flush water. I think first step to recovery is the root system get them white again if they are having probs
hey the roots look super white. And very robust.


Here is what the plants look like now. I'm thinking this might be a simple nute burn let me know what you think. Thanks