What Is Wrong With My Plants?


Can anyone tell me whats going on with my plants? I'm not sure if i should be worried or not. This is my first grow, they have been growing for 16 days now and the last 2-3 days I haven't noticed any growth. I haven't used any nutes yet because i haven't been able to afford it but i will be starting them on nutes when i get a little spare money. I have only been using water coming straight from the kitchen tap so far.

If anyone can tell me how to fix whatever is going on that would be a big help also.

28-11-2010 (day 16).jpg


Well-Known Member
what kind of light are you using, it looks too far away because they stretched. so if you can get it a little closer. their color looks good. you also need a fan to strengthen up the stems.


I'm using a string of 100 White LED Christmas lights. I know that these are in no way the best lights to be using but its all i could afford. Would changing to cfls stress or harm the plants at all?

EDIT: another reason i used the christmas lights is because i cant find anything even resembling the adapters that let you plug in light bulbs to power points. I live in Australia so I guess they dont exist here or they are just incredibly hard to find. I was going to go out and buy some lamps and strip them down to whatever makes up the insides and just use a few of those but that seemed like it would have cost a fair bit to pull off but i start a new job tomorrow so i will have money to be able to switch to cfls if i need to.
change to cfls asap.
and no, cfls shouldn't stress or harm them at all.

Cfls should be no farther than 2" away during flower although you can get away with 5" for now during seedling stage.
As to the type of CFLs, use the daylight version. These are the really white ones (they make your house look like a damn science lab if you use them throuhout your house). If you have the warm ones (the ones that produce a more yellowish light), this o.k. for right now

Until those stems strengthen, grab a couple of tooth picks in the mean time to support them or anything else you have laying around including pencils (I wouldn't use a pen tho cuz of the ink). If you do end up using something like a pencil, don't put it too close to the base, you don't want to mess with the roots.

Also, use a very light breeze on those guys, no high powered fans imo


I'll buy a few lamps and switch to cfls when i get my first pay from my new job then lol i was getting more at the sudden change from the LEDs to CFLs stressing the plants though. Will that have any negative effects or should they be fine?

Theres 2 fans in the case right now one in and one out but the intake fan is bellow where the plants are. I have the plants sitting in a container on top of 2 wine glasses to get them closer to the light. I might buy another pc fan and put it up towards the top of the case so it is blowing on the plants and not underneath them.

I have a packet of skewers i use to clean out my pipe so i'll just snap a couple of those in half and they should be the right size to support the plants.
They should be fine in terms of stress. I would try and place those LEDs closer in the mean time. You don't want those seedlings to stretch anymore if you can help it. If you can't, won't be the end of the world.

Not to discourage you but a warning: growing with cfls through flowering can be expensive unless you have enough electrical background to wire up your own light sockets. (They're great for seedlings tho!)