What is wrong with my seedling?


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There's my seedling, I am just curious as to what causes the inner leaves to start curling up, and why there are some yellow spots on the leaves.

I have been giving it a mix of Grow Big, Big Bloom and SuperThrive. My PPM is at 160ish and have been keeping it damp, but not over watering it.

It's been kept in a humidity dome, and under 2' T8 Cool White Lamp.

Lemme know if this is normal? Or what should I do?


Well-Known Member
Your ppm is whats killing it.

You shouldnt really give any nutrients to a plant for, depending on the medium 1week to 3weeks,

If you have a soiless medium you should feed a very miniscule amount of feed ideally something with either seaweed or kelp.

It looks like you are killing it with love.



Well-Known Member
you've killed your plant. throw it in the bin and start over. this time keeping it healty in its critical early grwoth stage. DO NOT give nutrients to a seedling or young plant. Keep the soil or whatever youuse to germinate moist. once germinated allow growing medium to dry up on top surfacebefore rewatering. Use sterile water; mieral water or tap water biled and left for 24 hours. Best advise of all. take the time to go do some BASIC research yourself rather then asking other people because you proably can't be bothered. its very basic at the beginning stage of growing and very simple and quick to read up on so go do it.


Well-Known Member
Start your plant off in a soiless mix of some sort that contains no fertilize just water with ph'd water for two weeks the transplant into a soil that has good drainage if it contains fertizer I'd keep watering with ph'd water for about two more weeks without giving any nutes


Well-Known Member
Until you see roots out of the bottom of those little cubes, they need no nutrients. Each seed contains a little npk to get the plant started. Once its started rooting or on the first true node developing then you can start with 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutrients, your 160ppm is fine.

Your nute burn isnt bad yet, but do flush with pH/RO water. Then leave em for a few days, dont even bother looking at them. They'll stay moist.