What is your quarantine/bug killing procedure for clones from outside sources


Well-Known Member
Tired of breeding bugs ! I have been fighting spider mites from an outside source, now it looks like I may have broad/russet mites.
I have been switching from Mighty Wash & Big Time Exterminator as a drench/dip, then quarantining them for 4-7 days, they still got through.


Well-Known Member
I havent had any bugs in six months. I did a three stage bug bombing while everything was in veg. Cleaned the whole room. Bleached it. Sprayed plants with nukem, then bomb every three days with a different bomb. Best money ive spent in a while. I know its not for clones but put em in the room while you bomb and you should be good.


Well-Known Member
To mix cold-pressed neem oil using Liquid silica.To make this emulsification,mix 1 tablespoon of Dyna-Gro neem oil and 1 tablespoon of Pro-Tekt silica in a glass dish.Add this oil/silica emulsification to 1 gallon of tepid water,than add 2 tablespoons of a surfactant like T&J Enterprise's yucca juice to break the surface tension.Shake the solution to activate the yucca saponins and then spray.
-MATT RIZE,medicalmarijuana.com


Well-Known Member
Them bugs and buds got me good this round...Jorge likes to use a butane torch...me I like to drown them bitches.

PS...I will dry the buds and smoke em,just taste like cooked bugs to me


Well-Known Member
Anything that needs to come inside gets dunked in neem water for 5-10 minuits first, soil and all lmao i tie a bag around the flooded pot while dunking the plant upside down unto a pool of water/neem then straight into its own quarantine cab for a few days and treated again with MW if needed. Summer (80-90f / 65-80% rh) all year around = gnats/mites thriving like a motherfucker in my area


Well-Known Member
Tired of breeding bugs ! I have been fighting spider mites from an outside source, now it looks like I may have broad/russet mites.
I have been switching from Mighty Wash & Big Time Exterminator as a drench/dip, then quarantining them for 4-7 days, they still got through.
Thats intense bro lol, years ago i came home after a month long vacation to find most of my cola's webbed up. I mighty washed the plants only one time and holy fuck, they melted and died on the plant right on the spot. I guess i got lucky because there had to be remaining mites still in the soil and scattered throught the room environment and possibly my hvac system but they left and never came back and plants took off again in just 2 days.

If it helps, i mighty washed and left it for 12 hours dark with no fans then rinsed the foliage with water and put it back under the hid. If in flower you can hopefully slow them down by dropping the light hours to 11hr or less. Pray you've dont got mites that laugh at miticides lol because thats a real problem if so. If you've been battling mites for some time, you might need to hit them hella hard with a cocktail of Shit, if not then shut the rooms down and throw some no pest strips for a week. Restart the room when done


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Tired of breeding bugs ! I have been fighting spider mites from an outside source, now it looks like I may have broad/russet mites.
I have been switching from Mighty Wash & Big Time Exterminator as a drench/dip, then quarantining them for 4-7 days, they still got through.
Avid and three cloned generations before the flower generation. If the genetics aren't that important to you I'd dump them and start again.

I run a closed grow room. There is only 1 person I trade genetics with and I quarantine for 4 to 6 weeks prior to veg. room introduction.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
If I have a grow that ended up with diseases, insect infestations ect I personally sulphur burn. YES I know lol it's an all but abandoned practice that is frowned upon. Its smell is strong , it's acidic and EXTREMELY corrosive. Everything metal that is exposed should be wiped down or it will rust. However, having said that I should also mention that it's gas gets into every crack, crevice ,hole ect. It gets in on under and around everything and also KILLS everything it contacts... Everything.! Plants love the sulphur any way. Mostly I just like playing with sulphur.


Well-Known Member
All veg had a dip in "big time exterminator " yesterday, 75ml per gal.
but still alive, just did a neem/silica dip on em.
Mightywashed flower last night, and capt jacks is next.


Well-Known Member
The biggest benefit to using Doktor Doom Total Release Insect Fogger is that it’s made with natural pyrethrum which biologically breaks down in a couple of hours. Provides very fast re-entry times to fumigated areas and NO long-lasting obnoxious odors lingering in the air. Safe to use around growing plants. Does NOT contain CFC’s or other ozone depleting substances.

Effective against fungus gnats, spider mites, aphids, whitefly, scale, mealybug and thrips.
Yes ?.?no?...


Well-Known Member
real bamboo stakes + forbid

They gotta be green !!!!!!

put forbid on bamboo liberally

put bamboo in affected pot

put fan on high blowing at plant

mites will be drawn to the bamboo for stability, they don't like wind, once there the forbid will kill em

the power of forbid without spraying the plants


Well-Known Member
Pyrethrum TR @ 4.0% for the win vs Doktor Doom @ 0.4%. Doktor Doom is decent for preventative, but lacking in the strength to eliminate an infestation....specially from a Russet.
This bomb used 2 times 3 days apart along with a total clean down of the room with 10% bleach water solution and thorough neem dip on the introduction of any plants coming into the room has worked against Russets for me. I've lost some quality genetics and mommas to those little bastards.


Well-Known Member
Gonna have to try what RM3 said..sounds like it can be the best of all...but in the past I used Captain Jacks Dead Bug and Mighty Wash and ended with food grade diatomaceous earth.... have not seen a mite or other insect since...


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of success alternating sprays between azamax and Dr bronners lavender castile soap with some added rosemary oil.

After you beat the infestation I would just cut back to the Dr bronners for normal ipm practices to avoid reoccurring bugs.

DE works really well at stopping the russet mites from traveling up different branches. Just put some on the main stock so they won't keep moving up the plant. Here's a pic of the Dr bronners you can get at the grocery store. download.jpg


Well-Known Member
real bamboo stakes + forbid

They gotta be green !!!!!!

put forbid on bamboo liberally

put bamboo in affected pot

put fan on high blowing at plant

mites will be drawn to the bamboo for stability, they don't like wind, once there the forbid will kill em

the power of forbid without spraying the plants
Thats slick as hell!