what just happend to my friend?

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
well i said that im gonna stop weed, but my friends convinced me to have it one last time.

but... the shit we had was some really heavy shit, ive never had anything like it.

well anyway my friend (lets call him "bob")

he had 3 cones out of a bong, and he started really tripping out, he didnt make any sense and he was acting like a retard (we thought it was just a joke at first). But he couldnt snap out of it, the rest of us were pretty much yelling at him. and he just kept acting retarded, he eventually fell to the floor acting like a retard and all my friends and i were just like "what the fuck" and stood up and moved away from him and he stayed there still acting like a retard, laughing and not making any sense, for about 2 min

and he was saying shit like "there attacking us from above, and "ohhhh im at there concert"

when he calmed down i was asking him "what just happend to you"
and he said i saw cartoons again. (he saw cartoons one time but he was not trippying out this bad).

and i was like "you freaked all of us out" and he was talking to me like a 3 year old, and always pulling this really weird retarded smile. i eventually said to all my mates they have to go and so they did. and i was talking to one of my mates that stayed over mine, and he was like he looked possessed.

all that happend to me was that
i was high having a great time, but once that incident happend i started to get a bit paranoid but i just went to sleep and now i feel fine.


Well-Known Member
your friends a dumbass looking for attention.Dust,acid,shrooms none of that makes you see cartoons

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
it was totally just weed, and he is the 2nd person to say to me in person that he has saw cartoons only on weed. You can tell when someone is asking for attention, he was NOT asking for attention, he was scary the shit out of us, and he made himself look bad infront of us. he just wouldnt do it to be funny, its not him.

and im only having a break, for a long time


Active Member
i never understood.and still don't think i will but one of my friends every time we get really high he sometimes just sits there with his head in his hands and when we ask him what hes doing he says he can "see cartoons" and hes "making movies"

we just leave him alone and let him make his movies


Active Member
your friends a dumbass looking for attention.Dust,acid,shrooms none of that makes you see cartoons
I've had shrooms and acid that has made everything look cartoonish. Just because a drug hasn't effected your mind that way, doesn't mean it won't effect someone else completely different.

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
does anyone else know what might of happened?

we think he had a psychosis or schizophrenia attack or something like that?

a few of us are gonna have a talk to him about lastnight soon

Sr. Verde

That honestly sounds like salvia

He saw cartoons, he calmed down after 3 minutes, it was like he was in a trance, he wasnt making any sense and laughing?


Well-Known Member
Whats the problem? The guy smoked some dank and tripped out... for 40-50 bucks a bag it better make you see cartoons... LMAO!!!


Active Member
That honestly sounds like salvia

He saw cartoons, he calmed down after 3 minutes, it was like he was in a trance, he wasnt making any sense and laughing?
Yea it reminds me of my past Salvia trips, now tat ya mention it. Although all my Salvia trips were alone, so I don't know how I acted, I just remember blacking out to reality. Salvia was actually my most intense trips ever, with getting totally lost in my mind, I could grip reality on every drug but Salvia.


Well-Known Member
some people have crazy cannabinoid systems. and their brains are generally crazy in general.

those people will have crazy reactions like that with cannabis.

that's pretty much the only explanation I can settle on, unless this hasn't happened to him before?

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
yeah true, it was just hell crazy, he wouldnt snap out of it we were like yelling at him and he just kept tripping out on the floor laughing. he looked so dodgy, well if you guys think its nothing then i guess it is nothing.

its weird cos he is like this drunk, not as bad though.


Well-Known Member
yeah true, it was just hell crazy, he wouldnt snap out of it we were like yelling at him and he just kept tripping out on the floor laughing. he looked so dodgy, well if you guys think its nothing then i guess it is nothing.

its weird cos he is like this drunk, not as bad though.
definitely his own mental issues, reacting with cannabis and other substances.

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
some people have crazy cannabinoid systems. and their brains are generally crazy in general.

those people will have crazy reactions like that with cannabis.

that's pretty much the only explanation I can settle on, unless this hasn't happened to him before?

this is the 2nd time its happend to him hell bad, the 1st time we just kinda ignored it, we didnt pay any attention.

when he usually smokes weed he still acts stupid but he doesnt take it to far its not scary or weird its actually funny. but man.... im just gonna tell him to completely stop acting like a freak, and if he cant then i know there is something wrong with him