what just happend to my friend?

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
but... the shit we had was some really heavy shit, ive never had anything like it.

he had 3 cones out of a bong, and he started really tripping out, he didnt make any sense and he was acting like a retard (we thought it was just a joke at first). But he couldnt snap out of it, the rest of us were pretty much yelling at him. and he just kept acting retarded, he eventually fell to the floor acting like a retard and all my friends and i were just like "what the fuck" and stood up and moved away from him and he stayed there still acting like a retard, laughing and not making any sense, for about 2 min
That honestly sounds like salvia

He saw cartoons, he calmed down after 3 minutes, it was like he was in a trance, he wasnt making any sense and laughing?
I'm pretty sure Sr. Verde is right. Pounding that much salvia (3 bong rips) would cause anyone to freak out. I saw my friend do something similar when he first tried A LOT of salvia - he laughed uncontrollably while bawling for 5 mins straight... which of course made me laugh the entire time I was witnessing it. But like 5 mins later he just stopped and goes "Holy Shit" and was done.


Well-Known Member
does anyone else know what might of happened?

we think he had a psychosis or schizophrenia attack or something like that?

a few of us are gonna have a talk to him about lastnight soon
If it wasn't salvia it sounds like that to me, Not to scare ya but keep it in mind. We had a friend who lost it and has never been back. started a few days after doing mushrooms, our whole group of friends had done them many times with no "troubles". After a few days he was a little different, even more so when getting high just like your friend.

The next day he was staring into a static t.v telling us there was a limo coming with 2million bucks? And later that day just staring off in a daze. I don't know what happened the next day but the day after that he didn't show up for work and someone went to his house and found him curled up in a closet crazy. I don't know where he is at currently but anyone who was around him during that time are now Evil/Devils. Turned out it may have been the glue he used at work without resperator and the mushrooms triggering something.
The shitty thing is I don't think anyone did anything for him or helped him thru that. Everyone was scared.

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
nah it wasnt salvia, we wouldve known, i was fine and i had 3 packed cones aswell i felt the normal high feeling, but it was the first time ive ever felt paranoid. (but i was only paranoid cos of him)

anyway i was talking to him in person for about 3 hours just then with all my other mates, and he is fine, he said we were overeacting a little bit, which i think is true. and he said that it didnt feel bad he just blanked out for a lil bit. like he didnt even notice that we were with him. he reckons the next time he smokes bud he will be able to control it, he said he was like that last night cos it was feeling hell good so he just let the weed do its thing.

well we let him know that he wasnt being himself and he understood that. i think he is fine, he was just tripping. At the end of the day all i can really say is that the sticky green that we got is fucking strong shit :bigjoint::lol:

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
If it wasn't salvia it sounds like that to me, Not to scare ya but keep it in mind. We had a friend who lost it and has never been back. started a few days after doing mushrooms, our whole group of friends had done them many times with no "troubles". After a few days he was a little different, even more so when getting high just like your friend.

The next day he was staring into a static t.v telling us there was a limo coming with 2million bucks? And later that day just staring off in a daze. I don't know what happened the next day but the day after that he didn't show up for work and someone went to his house and found him curled up in a closet crazy. I don't know where he is at currently but anyone who was around him during that time are now Evil/Devils. Turned out it may have been the glue he used at work without resperator and the mushrooms triggering something.
The shitty thing is I don't think anyone did anything for him or helped him thru that. Everyone was scared.

shit man that sucks, poor guy. yeah drugs definatly triggers something in my friend ey