What kind of portable A/C's y'all using?


Well-Known Member
I just have a 3x3 tent (and a newb) but sice switching to flower and cranking up the light, I'm catching the temps getting up to like 84 degrees. Running my normal A/C at like 68 degrees right now so there's maybe a little complaining from others about that. I have an inline fan of course as well as 3 different little fans in the tent (but I think I read those don't really "cool", more move it around). I've been looking to see if there was something I could just hook into the A/C vent in this room to make sure air is getting directed right at my inlet. Then I was like, a little bitty A/C thing can't cost that much. The really small ones I've seen use water (I get it) but then won't that water jack with my humidity levels? Humidity is sitting at like 46% right now but I see if get into the low to mid 60's sometimes. I just crank the dehumidifier up more in that case but if start adding more humidity... Anyway, I think y'all see the problem. Do ya have any cooling tips for the newb? LOL

Thanks for any input!

(and yes, I am concerned that my SpiderFarmer SE5000 cranked to 100% and 16" from canopy is only giving me like 30k LUX. Dang)



Well-Known Member
84 is pretty close to perfect under led. Portable acs are very inefficient(%20 below btu rating) compared to both window and mini split. When figuring cooling requirements add 3500btu per 1000w of power used on top top of room size rating. For example 100-150sqft room requires 5000btu cooling power, with 1000w light, 500w dehumidifier and another 500w in fans/exhaust you’ll want a 12k btu air conditioner.

but 84 is perfectly fine so you’re good


Well-Known Member
Ok, I was thinking anything over 80 and I was gonna kill them all. Are LED's different from say a MH or HPS bulbs in that regard?

Whew... I was getting panicky. I "think" I'm probably 7-8 weeks out from finishing. Didn't want to screw it all up at the end. LOL

Now, I guess I should ask.. Temp in there drops to like 69-71 when lights go out. Is that too big of a drop?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Ok, I was thinking anything over 80 and I was gonna kill them all. Are LED's different from say a MH or HPS bulbs in that regard?

Whew... I was getting panicky. I "think" I'm probably 7-8 weeks out from finishing. Didn't want to screw it all up at the end. LOL

Now, I guess I should ask.. Temp in there drops to like 69-71 when lights go out. Is that too big of a drop?
Your temps are fine