what npk ratio during flowering?


so i grew one plant this year and luckily i got a female. just started pre flowering a couple days ago.its ive been giving it miracle grow all purpose 24-8-16 i think and its doing amazing. what should i use for flowering.


Well-Known Member
so i grew one plant this year and luckily i got a female. just started pre flowering a couple days ago.its ive been giving it miracle grow all purpose 24-8-16 i think and its doing amazing. what should i use for flowering.
24-8-16, that is some powerful shit; good for you. For flowering you no longer need the high N content.



Well-Known Member
yes but you will have to add something with nitrogen in, 3-10-10 or 4-10-10 would be better.


New Member
so i grew one plant this year and luckily i got a female. just started pre flowering a couple days ago.its ive been giving it miracle grow all purpose 24-8-16 i think and its doing amazing. what should i use for flowering.
Thats a 3-1-2 which is great for vegging. 2-1-3 is the area you are looking for in flower. I would stick with the 24-8-16 for the first few weeks of 12/12 then begin substituting some of the 24-8-16 with the 0-10-10. Working up to something like 40/60-25/75 24-8-16/0-10-10 over the 3-4 weeks. Keep an eye on your plants to be sure they are getting everything they need. But a very workable and effective diet can be had with those two ferts....and using those I would feed/water/feed/water...........


the best i can find around here is 15-30-15 miracle grow bloom booster. it will have to do cause thats all there is


Well-Known Member
last grow i used 15 35 15 all the way through and my plants turned out fine.