What Nutes do I use?


Active Member
I've looked at countless different types and I have NO IDEA what I'm after. I'm growing bagseed without lights because I'm pretty skint. I've heard a lot about 'FoxFarms' ferts; can I buy that in the UK? If not, what would you recommend I use that IS available in the UK? Not sure if the nutrients you should use vary by plant so if you wanna see the plants I can post pictures...


Active Member
What do you mean you aren't using lights? How will you grow these once they break soil? Anyways, I found out about smoke 'n grow not too long agom and this stuff works wonders man. In conjunction with mycorrizal, I have never had a better grow so far.

MycoGrow (Mycorrizal) = http://www.fungi.com/mycogrow/index.html
Smoke 'n Grow = http://smokengrow.com/taxonomy/term/140 147 141 150 146 145

Hope this helps you my friend across the pond!
Just sunlight. I've not got the cash to buy lights and stuff right now. I've just got my first job but i've not started yet. I'm planning to buy some decent feminized seeds + get a 125W CFL when I have the money, but considering these are bagseeds, i'm not too bothered how they turn out :) My first grow was under just sunlight too:


Thanks for the info though dude!


Active Member
ah, I understand now hahaha. I totally agree with you then. That's how I did it my first time :P I think they honestly like natural sun light better, it just sucks you can't stick them out in broad day light (damnit!) Best of luck to you sir!